Hisarcıklıoğlu celebrated police department’s 172nd anniversary


10.04.2017 Ankara

TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, in his press statement regarding the 172nd anniversary of the founding of the Turkish Police Department, stated that the police, the most basic element of the security of society, derive their power from the law and the people, saying, “If we are able to live comfortably, the biggest share of that is due to the police.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu's statement is as follows:

“If our state can protect our lives and belongings, the most important unit in the execution of this is the police department.

The service of our worthy police officers who regard the peace of their people as their honor and dignity, and the sacrifice they make can never be overstated.

We have to support policemen who have difficult duties such as ensuring public order, preventing crime, delivering criminals to the prosecution.

Let us not forget, their presence means the safety of us and our family.

I congratulate the 172nd anniversary of the founding of the Turkish Police Department on behalf of our business community. It is with these feelings and thoughts that I wish their continued success.”

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