“No attack can make us give up our love for Turkey”


20.03.2013 Bartın


Hisarcıklıoğlu, President of TOBB, who visited Bartın Chamber of Industry and Commerce condemned the terrorist attacks on Ak Party Headquarters and the Ministry of Justice, and said “These attacks cannot make us give up our love for Turkey and working for Turkey."​


The new service building of Bartın Chamber of Industry and Commerce was opened with a ceremony honored by M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, President of TOBB, and Bülent Savur, Governor of Bartın.

Hisarcıklıoğlu, President of TOBB, who made a statement to the press before the opening said that they were sorry for the wicked attacks in Ankara last night, and added:    “The greatness and strategic position of our country is known by the whole world.  Unfortunately, we have faced such wicked attacks many times throughout the history.  Thank god, all such attempts were met with the greatest reaction, and punished severely in the heart of our noble nation.   Do not forget that brotherhood is one of the foundations of this country.  This land cannot except any way of life other than peace and brotherhood.  It cannot damage our brotherhood.  Such attacks make us more powerful.  No attack can make us give up our love for Turkey and working for Turkey.  Such attacks will never cause us to dread.  It is not the sound of weapons or bombs we long for.  We have only one wish:  That is to lead the way to modern civilization in unity and solidarity.” 

Pointing out that they once again declared to the whole world that they, the ruling party, the opposition, non-governmental organizations and all citizens of any political view, would stand up against those who desired to prevent their advance, Hisarcıklıoğlu, President of TOBB, said he condemned the wicked attack on behalf of the business world.  Hisacıklıoğlu said they shared the grief of Ak Party Community, including Mr. Recept Tayyip Erdoğan, the Prime Ministery, and the Ministry of Justice.

Hisarcıklıoğlu, President of TOBB, then visited Bülent Savur, Governor of Bartın at his post. 

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