Hisarcıklıoğlu calls for 'geographical markers'


28.04.2017 Ankara

At the Geographically Marked Products Summit held at the Ankara Chamber of Commerce (ATO), TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that geographical markers were claim ownership of local products.

Geographically Marked Products Summit was held with the attendances of TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, Customs and Trade Minister Bülent Tüfenkci, Science and Technology Minister Faruk Özlü, Ankara Governor Ercan Topaca and ATO President Gürsel Baran as well as a large audience.


TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu mentioned the importance of geographical markers during his speech. Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “Allah gave us a great entrepreneurial spirit. Another thing we received is a great geography. I say this as your brother who visits every city in Anatolia once a year. Every city is brimming with wealth. There are more than 3,000 regional products, local brand values, from handicrafts to food and drink. Now we have to give these brand values their due.


We have to take ownership of the geographical marker issue as a country. We have noticed the importance of this work late in the game. In the past we could not own our own goods. The best example is the tulip. Where is the tulip’s homeland? Anatolia! We had tulip gardens while Europe had no idea the flower even existed. Holland became the tulip country with tulip bulbs imported from us. Just the tulip earns them a billion Euros each year.”


- 3 products registered in EU


TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu, underlining that this area has achieved great progress in the last 10 years, said that they have acquired geographical markers for many products in the country. Stating that politicians and public institutions are giving priority to this issue, Hisarcıklıoğlu explained that they are providing all their support to this issue as the TOBB community.


Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that 35% of our 204 registered geographical products and 45% of 300 products currently in registration process are made by our local Chamber of Commerce and Industry. “Three of our products have been registered in the EU. Gaziantep Baklava and Aydın Fig. I expect that the Malatya Peach will be registered quite soon. Eight of our products are in the process of registration. Most of these are carried out by our Chambers and Exchanges; for this reason, I heartily congratulate them.”


Customs and Commerce Minister Bülent Tüfenkci gave a speech at the “Geographically Marked Products Summit” organized by the Ankara Chamber of Commerce (ATO) and pointed out that geographically marked products are one of the most important economic resources of countries.


Faruk Ozlu, Minister of Science, Industry and Technology, stated that 204 products received geographical markers and that applications for 302 products are in the review stage. According to a survey, 2,500 products have the potential of registering for geographical markers.


ATO President Gürsel Baran said that he believes geographical markers will be a major contribution to rural development and provide the economy with momentum.

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