Hisarcıklıoğlu: I wish prosperity, health and joy for all workers


30.04.2017 Ankara

TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, in his statement for the May 1st Labor and Solidarity Day, stated that workers and employers are inseparable principal elements and that Turkey will reach its goals through laborer-entrepreneurial solidarity.

Hisarcıklıoğlu, in his May 1st Labor and Solidarity Day message, stated the following:


“Without entrepreneurs and industrialists, laborers mean nothing; without our working brothers and sisters we mean nothing. Workers and employers are the two principal elements that can’t be considered separately.


We, as workers' and employers' organizations, despite differing interests, are representatives of a society that, in matters of nation, come together as a single fist; loves and understands each other.


The way for Turkey to achieve its goals; increase its national income and see more beautiful and prosperous days, is possible through the solidarity of the laborers and the entrepreneurs.


On behalf of the Turkish business community, I celebrate the May 1st Labor and Solidarity Day, of all of my laboring brothers and sisters as members of a civilization based on justice and the sacredness of labor and love, and I wish them all prosperity, health and joy.”

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