We provided over a million jobs


18.05.2017 Elazığ

TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu attended the groundbreaking ceremony of the Haji Sıdıka Dumandağ Quran Course Dorm and Elazığ Commodity Exchange’s new bazaar area. He stated that they’ve provided more than a million jobs in 4 months and that the target employment will be reached by the end of the year.

TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, speaking at the groundbreaking ceremony, stated that Turkey's economy has been adversely affected by many events, especially the coup attempt and the global crisis.

Hisarcıklıoğlu expressed that these happened to another country, it would not be able to recover. He pointed out that Turkey has reached the point of growth again by the end of the year.

Hisarcıklıoğlu said:

“We have conducted a survey asking, ‘What are you complaining about?'  The tax burdens on employment rated highest. The government came through. When we employ a new person the first 3 months’ insurance premiums are paid by the state. For another 9 months after the first three, the government continues to pay, resulting in you saving 1,400TRY in taxes. This is a historic support for employment. We gave our word. In February, the President of the Republic asked for our support and we said we would employ 1.5 million people by the end of the year. We provided over a million jobs in only 4 months. At the end of the year we will all have fulfilled our promise.”

- Customs and Commerce Minister Bülent Tüfenkci

Customs and Commerce Minister Bülent Tüfenkci spoke at the ceremony and said, “You will see that the unemployment figures will be coming down even more in March and April; we will lower these figures even further in May and we will reduce the unemployment figures to single digits by the end of the year.”

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