Hisarcıklıoğlu explained the support for employment in Elazığ


18.05.2017 Elazığ

Speaking at the opening of the new service building of the Elazığ Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Governor Murat Zorluoğlu Conference Hall, TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu emphasized that the government has provided significant supports for employment and emphasized that they’ve employed a million new people in 4 months.

TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, stated that Turkey's passing through a difficult time, said, “If what happened to Turkey happened to another country, it would come crumbling down and would not recover. We have experienced a lot of events, including coup attempts. Our economy was adversely affected, but by the end of the year we came to the point of growth again. In this process we were met with great understanding by our government. We are doing our part, too. The state pays 3 months' salary for new workers'. 3 months later, the state pays taxes and insurance for 9 months. So apart from net minimum wage all costs are paid by the state. This is a historic support for employment. We employed a million new people in just 4 months. Elazığ has pretty much fulfilled its promise. At the end of the year, we will all have fulfilled our promises. Attractions are a great opportunity and we must promote hem. This is a good opportunity in Elazığ as well. As TOBB, we are utilizing the sources we have accumulated and resources we have received from you, to aid our members in their difficult times as low-interest loans, hence the ‘Respite Credit’. You can use it now.”

- Elazığ a 5-star chamber and commodity exchange

Hisarcıklıoğlu also expressed his views on the importance of Elazığ and the opportunities on offer. He stated that the people of Elazığ compete in charity works. Elazığ Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Elazığ Commodity Exchange have 5 stars in terms of accreditation. The TOBB President stated that the Elazığ chamber and commodity exchange offer services on par with the standards of any to be found in London or Paris. Hisarcıklıoğlu also explained that, success and prosperity is only possible through the unity and solidarity of the city. Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that there are no monetary rewards in the office of the presidency, but rather that these seats demand great sacrifice instead. He stated that they’ve set out on their journey with the maxim “the most beneficent of people beneficent to others” that this remains their purpose.

-Customs and Commerce Minister Bülent Tüfenkci

Bülent Tüfenkci, Minister of Customs and Commerce, said in his speech here that very good relations were established between the real sector and the government that contributed to the development of the Turkish economy.

Minister Tüfenkci said: "After the 16th of April, the future is clearer, we will build Turkey together, we will build Turkey together with more democracy, more change, more investment." On April 16, the Presidential Government We have determined the agenda as an economy while carrying out the system's transition reforms, and we are striving to enlarge Turkey's real sector.”

Tüfenkci said that the Bursa Istanbul 100 Index has been the summit since 16 April and another development observed after 16 April is the decrease in exchange rate volatility.

Tüfenkci remarked that the majority of the increase in the Turkish Lira’s value is due to the stability in the country.

- Governor Zorluoğlu

Governor Murat Zorluoğlu expressed his great honor to work in Elazığ with such good people. Stating that the government support which Elazığ has been waiting for years have finally arrived, he said, “I would like to express on behalf of all the people of Elazığ that we are grateful to thePresident and the government.”

- Elazığ CCI President Alan

Elazığ President of CCI İdris Alan stated that CCI has less than 2 years for its centennial anniversary. “Elazığ CCI, which has always had a respected place in society, will be much better equipped, with better infrastructure and vision in its 100th year.” Stating that the new building with its conference hall, Fırat Development Investment Office and the Credit Guarantee Fund Branch, we have provided a center for display and promotion.

Minister Tüfenkci and TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu together with the provincial protocol then went toured the photograph gallery at the CCI. Following this, the delegation attended the summer activities organized by Akçakiraz Municipality and met with citizens.

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