Hisarcıklıoğlu congratulated European Champion Fenerbahçe


22.05.2017 Ankara

TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu congratulated the Fenerbahçe Men's Basketball Team which won championship at the THY Euroleague Final Four.

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that Fenerbahçe has achieved a great victory for the country and conveyed his congratulations to everyone who contributed to their success.

Hisarcıklıoğlu's message is as follows:

“Fenerbahçe Men's Basketball Team, which won the European Championship by beating Greece’s Olympiakos in the last match of THY Euroleague Final Four, achieved a great success.

This great achievement is a source of morale and joy, not only for Fenerbahçe fans and basketball lovers but for everyone from ages 7 to 70. The result of a long preparation period, careful planning, a strong management and work ethic, and talented coaches and players.

It is the work of the supporters who support each and every one of them and who build bridges between hearts of the players and the stands.

This great achievement for our sports history was written in gold letters. For our young people, too, it has been a great incentive and motivation for sports.

On behalf of the Turkish business community I congratulate you with all my heart who contributed to the success of Fenerbahçe, especially the president of the club Aziz Yıldırım and Head Coach Obradovic, all the athletes, supporters and everybody who shared in this endeavor.”

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