First quarter growth an indicator for high growth in 2017


12.06.2017 Ankara

TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu evaluated growth figures. Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that the growth rate in the first quarter is an indicator for high growth in 2017. “The high growth performance seen in the first quarter is aided greatly by the projects we have undertaken together with the government. Turkey is moving towards a future that is stronger and more prosperous, with those who trust it and those who invest in it.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu said in his assessment:

“The Turkish economy continues its upward momentum which began in the last quarter of 2016, growing by 5% in the first quarter of 2017.

This growth rate, achieved in a period when both developed and developing countries are having serious problems, shows that the Turkish economy has diverged in a positive direction and has emerged as the leading country in the region.

The expansion of growth into all sectors and the achievement of an inclusive growth performance is also a significant success in terms of economic policies.

Under this success is the support of our government to the private sector, as well as the bravery of our industrialists and entrepreneurs who have opened up to the whole world. The environment of confidence provided in the economy supported production, exports and employment increase, reviving domestic demand.

The high growth performance of the first quarter is aided greatly by the projects we have undertaken.

As TOBB, we have actualized many projects which facilitated and increased the accessibility of our companies, especially our SMEs.

The first contribution is the TOBB Respite Credit project in cooperation with two banks.

KOSGEB interest-free loans and Credit Guarantee Fund (KGF) credit guarantee of 250 billion TRY followed soon after.

With these projects, SME loans increased by 60 billion TRY in the last 5 months. Since February, we have provided employment to 1.2 million people by enacting the largest employment incentive package that has been granted by our government since the start of the employment mobilization under the auspices of our President Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

This growth rate, which exceeded all expectations, is also a sign for of high growth we aim to achieve in 2017. At the beginning of this year, we said that. Yesterday, investors in the future of Turkey won. Those who invest in Turkey today will win tomorrow.

Thankfully Turkey did not disappoint us. Turkey is moving towards a future that is stronger and more prosperous, with those who trust it and those who invest in it.”

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