Hisarcıklıoğlu met with ATO Council Members


20.06.2017 Ankara

TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu participated in the iftar supper held at TOBB with the members of the Ankara Chamber of Commerce (ATO) Council.

Hisarcıklıoğlu provided information about TOBB's works in his speech. Hisarcıklıoğlu reminded that President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan charged them with the production of the domestic automobile, “We hope to realize Turkey's dream.” Describing what they have been doing recently, Hisarcıklıoğlu reported that they have hosted the EUROCHAMBRES General Assembly in Brussels via the TOBB Brussels Bureau and that they have carried out the Vice President role at EUROCHAMBRES, with its 46 member countries. Later, the TOBB President stated that they have completed their Canadian tour and said that they had contacted the World Bank officials in regards to increasing exports. Hisarcıklıoğlu mentioned that while Turkey is going through a critical period, more exports are required to increase production and create jobs.

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that they, as the 365 chambers and commodity exchanges, have made the sacrifice to ensure the growth of the economy. He stated that the government has taken a positive approach to all their demands and opened the way for the business community.

- Employment mobilization

Hisarcıklıoğlu, talking about Respite Credits which launched with an annual interest rate of 9.9%, stated that 30,000 SMEs have benefited from this opportunity. “In the words of the President of the Republic, we have started the employment mobilization.” Hisarcıklıoğlu said that the Turkish private sector has provided jobs for 1.2 million people in the last 5 months. The TOBB President summarized recent developments: “We told them that all sectors including tourism are having difficulties. We requested a tax reform. We asked for registry amnesty and it was provided. SSK premiums debts have been postponed. Besides the factory building, we also made it possible for the equipment inside to be mortgaged. Credit Guarantee Fund received support. 240,000 firms have restructured their loans worth 180 billion TL. We have the QR coded checks. VAT discounts were provided in many sectors. We demanded rewards for those who pay tax regularly, which we received. Law regarding product specialized commodity exchanges has been passed. Whichever suggestion we make, our government has always been understanding and constructive.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu, emphasizing unity, solidarity and peace in his speech, advised everyone to cherish each other, “Nobody is perfect. However, we will be successful if we are together in solidarity. Let's avoid libel and gossip. Let's not forget that the best of people are those beneficent unto others. Your reputation is your greatest capital. Today, TOBB is an exemplary organization all over the world; this is all of our shared achievement.”

ATO Chairman Gürsel Baran said, “We will stand in unity as businessmen. Our country has passed through hard days. We will get through these hard times together.” ATO Council Speaker Nuri Gürgür thanked Hisarcıklıoğlu for his invitation.

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