Hisarcıklıoğlu wishes peace and grace for all believers on Night of Qadr


21.06.2017 Ankara

TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, in his message for the Holy Night of Qadr, expressed that Night of Qadr, known to be more blessed than a thousand months, is a time of peace and blessing for all believers.

Hisarcıklıoğlu expressed his wishes for peace and blessing of Allah for all believers: “The blessed Night of Qadr, which is granted as grace for mankind, celebrating the initiation of deliverance of the Qur'an; it is one of the best opportunities for salvation for all believers.

The earth will be enlightened with the prayers of believers for the grace and favor of Allah.

I pray to Almighty Allah for health, happiness and a good life for everybody on this beautiful night. I pray for the grace of Allah upon the hearts of all believers.

I pray for unity and solidarity of our nation until the end of time; strengthening of our fraternal bonds; undertaking of endeavors to the benefit of all people as the Turkish business world; to be remembered for our works for the betterment of the tranquility and fraternity of humanity on earth; and that Almighty Allah keeps us on the righteous path.

May Allah grant the good wishes in all our hearts. May this Blessed Night of Qadr be filled with grace.”

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