Iftar meeting at the Presidential Palace


21.06.2017 Ankara

TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu attended the iftar dinner hosted by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan at the Presidential Palace. Representatives of non-governmental organizations took part in the event.

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan began his speech by celebrating the Blessed Night of Qadr said to be “more blessed than a thousand months” in the Qur'an. Erdoğan said, “I pray to Allah that this sacred night opens the gates of mercy and forgiveness; that prayers and repentances are accepted; and that this night brings good to our country, our nation and all humanity.”

Erdoğan pointed out that it is very important to benefit from the grace and blessings of this night, and to appreciate the value of the Night of Qadr.

Erdoğan pointed out that the greatest share belongs to non-governmental organizations in the exemplary solidarity shown for those in need within and without the country in regards to education, rights and freedoms.

“We have been striving to support you every step of the way, particularly in the last 15 years since we have taken responsibility, to open the way for you and to make your work easier, because we see civil society as a key component of our national unity and solidarity, not as a threat. You are the insurance of our social peace.

I want to underline this truth again once again: Civil society is not anti-state, but complementary. No matter how strong a state is, it cannot achieve its goals without the support, assistance and cooperation of civil society. Especially in the elimination of the troubles facing the nation, I believe that your contribution is extremely necessary.”

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