“Thanks to unity and solidarity, we are on the road again”


15.08.2017 Bafra

TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu said in a joint award ceremony held by the Bafra Trade and Industry Chamber and the Bafra Commodity Exchange, “If we had been any other country than Turkey, we would not be getting back up after last year. Thanks to our unity and solidarity, we are on our feet again.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu emphasized that Bafra is showing the difference with its geography and with its people, “You are one of the luckiest servants of Allah. Allah gave you such a beautiful and fertile climate and land. Abundance springs forth from every side.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that they initiated the “81 Schools in 81 Provinces” campaign as TOBB, “We will open the school we built in Samsun. After the 81 provinces are completed, we will build 160 schools in 160 counties. One of them will be in Bafra.”

The TOBB President, congratulating the awardees, “I also congratulate my brothers who did not receive an award. Because if we had been any other country than Turkey, we would not be getting back up after last year. Thanks to our unity and solidarity, we are on our feet again.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that everyone is fascinated by Bafra's pide, ice cream and lokum, “You are in charge of turning them into riches. Our duty is to open the way for you, to remove the obstacles in front of you.”

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