Hisarcıklıoğlu attended Malazgirt 1071 Commemoration Program


26.08.2017 Muş

TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu attended Conquest of Anatolia Malazgirt 1071 (The Battle of Manzikert) Commemorative Program attended by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan together with Turkey - EU JCC members.

President Erdoğan addressed the public in the program organized at the 1071 Malazgirt Monument, “I extend my respects from Malazgirt to my brothers all around the world who stand with us.”

Erdoğan stated that Sultan Alparslan had stepped up to make Anatolia their eternal homeland with his victory at Malazgirt on a Friday, 946 years ago. Erdogan said, “A flag in one hand and a green banner in the other hand, we are proud of our ancestors who entered Anatolia from Malazgirt, marching in glory and victory to the heart of Europe.”

The film prepared by the Okçular Foundation was shown during the ceremony which started with the recitation of the National Anthem and the Qur'an. The artist Arslanbek Sultanbekov recited many works including Dombra.

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