Czech Republic CC Chair Dlouhy at TOBB


05.09.2017 Ankara

TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu received the Chairman of the Czech Republic Chamber of Commerce Vladimir Dlouhy at his office.

During the meeting, Hisarcıklıoğlu, who provided information about TOBB's activities, expressed his pleasure with Dlouhy's visit.

Turkey - European Union trade relations and cooperation were discussed as well as emphasis on the importance of supporting companies for new investments.

Vladimir Dlouhy expressed his views on the activities of EUROCHAMBRES and noted that in 2018, cooperation between the two countries should be increased.

Speaking about the European economy, the visiting chairman said that Turkey is an important country for refugees.

President Dlouhy expressed his honor for being hosted at TOBB and thanked TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu for the hospitality.

Vladimir Dlouhy expressed his wish to establish fruitful trade relations between Turkey and the Czech Republic.

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