Contributors to Sivas awarded


07.09.2017 Sivas

TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, participating at the Sivas Value Contributors Award Ceremony, hosted by Sivas Chamber of Commerce and Industry, spoke about the success of the employment campaign and said, “Sivas has also kept its promise, surpassing new job per member.” Hisarcıklıoğlu reminded that the most important complaint of the business community is the burden on employment, underlining that the employment campaign initiated by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's initiative is a historic opportunity.

In his speech TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu emphasized that Sivas is a city of valiant people. TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu said in regards to Sivas: “In the foundation and the rise of the Republic of Turkey, the Seljuks and the Ottomans, Sivas has always been a prominent city. It is no coincidence that they say the weather is hard, but its people are of high moral character. From Pir Sultan, Aşık Veysel, Kadı Burhanettin; to Halil Rifat Pasha, Nuri Demirağ, many scholars and statesmen were from here. When I think of Sivas, I cannot forget to mention my dear friend Muhsin Yazıcıoğlu. With faith, patriotism, struggle, honesty and beautiful morality, was a true ‘Alperen.’ I personally witnessed how he devoted his whole life to his ideals and how he conducted politics for 'the grace of Allah.’ Such a sincere believer could only have been suited for martyrdom. May the grace of Allah be upon all of you, the people of Sivas. Sivas is the place where the seeds of unity and solidarity are planted. The city of hope and national will. The struggle for independence and the fire of independence were born at the Sivas Congress, celebrating its 98th anniversary this week. Here, a decision was made that should always be on our minds. It was decreed at the Sivas Congress that the homeland is a divine and indivisible.

The Veteran, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, said in Sivas: Unity and solidarity defeats all but death. Just as we say in our culture: Grace and prosperity in unity; anguish in dissent. The spirit of national unity and solidarity of the Sivas Congress is our greatest power in the face of threats towards our nation, flag, country and government. Everyone who would assail the unity of this country should know that as long as the spirit of Sivas and the people of Sivas exists, none can divide this country.”

-Sivas’ success

Expressing his pride in the Sivas Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Sivas Commodity Exchange, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “Both are accredited, 5-star Chambers-Exchanges on par with European standards. They’ve achieved unity and solidarity. They’ve united the civil society in Sivas together with the Advisory Board, and the Chamber has assumed the secretariat duty. They have come together for Sivas. From infrastructure to investments, they’ve prepared a road map for Sivas. Priority projects that Sivas needed were identified. When it comes to Sivas, all residents of Sivas are one and united. If there is unity, your will not fall. Your unity-solidarity-success is reflected onto TOBB. Chairman Osman Yıldırım, is a treasure for not only Sivas, but also Turkey. He is my colleague at TOBB, we work together. He has contributed greatly to TOBB's state today. He is the President of the Council of Commerce-Industry Chambers. In other words, he is coordinating merchants and industrialists in 81 provinces. We are also representing the private sector together at the TSE, IKV and the Tax Advisory Board.

I follow his work closely. In Sivas many principles were signed, revealing his visionary endeavors. He has shown what a chamber chairperson can do for their city's development.

Thanks to him, the first thermal facility in Sivas, modern residential areas, the first business and shopping centers to revitalize economic and social life were actualized. The production of high-tech, advanced optical systems for the national infantry rifle has begun. Sivas also has a great part in the construction of the first domestic wagon to be used in cargo transportation.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu stressed that Sivas CCI has struggled against the terrorist organization of FETO even prior to the treacherous coup attempt of July 15th, “This patriotic and courageous stance is once again shows that it is a professional organization worthy of Sivas. I am greatly proud of them.”

- Customs and Trade Minister Bülent Tüfenkci & National Education Minister Ismet Yilmaz

Speaking at the Award Ceremony Awards Ceremony at the Sivas Trade and Industry Chamber, Customs and Trade Minister Bülent Tüfenkci said he was happy to be in Sivas and to be among the business community.

Congratulating the entrepreneurs and businessmen who will receive awards, Trade Minister Bülent Tüfenkci, wished them continued success. Both the global economic outlook and the fact that the year 2016 has been difficult for the country, Minister Tüfenkçi stated that the government has started 2017 strong in the economic sense with the measures and incentives it has implemented for the growth and development of the economy.

National Education Minister İsmet Yilmaz stated that everybody who produces and supports employment is supported by the government and stated that Turkey will attain all its goals as long as exports and employment increases; stability and confidence continues.

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