Çorlu CCI's new service building opened


10.09.2017 Tekirdağ

TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarciklioglu, participating in the Çorlu Chamber of Commerce and Industry's (CCI) Service Building Opening Ceremony and Award Ceremony, emphasized that chambers and stock exchanges are working to find solutions by relating the troubles of the business community to the government. Hisarcıklıoğlu explained that the chamber-commodity exchange members provided very important contributions to solving problems, especially the financial and employment burdens.

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that tax and export figures should belong to the place where the production conducted. “Wherever goods are produced, taxes and export figures should be attributed to that province. Then we can find opportunity to better serve our members and that city. The Parliamentary Representatives should be aware that there need for regulation on this issue.”

Speaking at the opening and award ceremony organized by Çorlu CCI Chairman İbrahim Gönül, TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu said that they’ve come to Çorlu for propitious works. Congratulating the contributors to the construction of the new service building, especially the late President Enis Sülün, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “May the grace of Allah be upon Mr. Sülün; we extend our condolences to his family and loved ones.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that Çorlu is one of Turkey’s most precious centers as well as driving force in the industry, “Çorlu is the most developed county of the Thracian Region. You are among the first 10 districts in Turkey. It is also the 4th biggest industrial city of Turkey. Trakya's only airport is in Çorlu. 19 of Turkey's top 500 Industrial Establishments came out of Çorlu. In just the last 5 years, 4 new OIZs were established. In short, Çorlu is the city that embraces the future. I am proud of Çorlu's contributions to our country's economy and industry. We needed a chamber service building worthy of this star city. The management of the Çorlu Chamber showed that they possess this vision. The chamber has come a long way in the institutional sense.”

- Çorlu CCI accredited

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that Çorlu Chamber of Commerce is a 5-star chamber, an accredited chamber, having passed the exam successfully this year. The TOBB President said, “Çorlu CCI is now a European standard chamber. Serves you in the areas you need. As Çorlu evolves, it receives more immigration, increasing unqualified workforce. The chamber has produced a solution to this problem. KOSGEB and Applied Entrepreneurship trainings are provided. Half of the entrepreneurs who set up their own business in Tekirdağ came out of Çorlu. This shows how solid Çorlu's entrepreneurial culture is. The chamber established an R&D unit. They’ve submitted a project to KOSGEB which has been approved. They are conducting R&D and Innovation projects for regional development and providing free trainings. Çorlu is increasing its R&D and innovation capacity. It is one of the most active chambers in Turkey in regards to vocational qualification. I am immensely proud of the work of the Çorlu Chamber. The Chamber Chairman Ibrahim Gönül has the will and capacity to carry this flag much further forward. I congratulate him and the Council Chair İsmail Güleroğlu, as well as the Chamber Management, Council and employees for all their devoted efforts and achievements: Congratulations!”

Hisarcıklıoğlu also requested that the late Chamber Chairman Enis Sülün’s name be given to a conference hall in the building. TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that a university would greatly suit Çorlu.

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