Kırklareli award for the economy value-added stars


11.09.2017 Kırklareli

TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, who attended the Kırklareli Chambers and Exchanges Regional Meeting Economic Value Contributors Award Ceremony, pointed out that Kırklareli is the bridge between Anatolia and Europe, Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that the city has a brilliant future.

Hisarcıklıoğlu said in regards to Kırklareli, “It is one of our wealthy provinces in terms of historical artifacts of our Ottoman cultural heritage. A city of both history and culture: famous for its Ottoman artifacts and tumuli. A terrific geography. 40% of Kırklareli is covered with forests. The İğneada Longoz Forests are a piece of heaven. İğneada and Kıyıköy regions are important tourism centers. There is also significant agriculture and animal husbandry. Kırklareli is in 10th place nationally in terms of agricultural production value per capita. Turkey's first Sugar Factory the Alpullu Sugar Factory was established here. Industry is improving rapidly. I am quite certain that the future of Kirklareli is brilliant.

Kırklareli CCI is an accredited chamber. I hope the exchange will complete the process and become an accredited exchange. We work closely with both Chairs Ziya and Turhan at TOBB and IKV. Chairman Turhan, in UMAT Administration and Chairman Ziya at the TOBB External Relations Commission. Praise Allah for all the chamber/exchange presidents of Kırklareli, Babaeski and Lüleburgaz.”

After the speeches, the opening ceremony of the Kırklareli TOBB School of Social Sciences was conducted.

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