“YÖREX has constructed a new perspective in regards to development”


13.09.2017 Antalya

The opening of the 8th Regional Products Fair (YÖREX) organized by the Antalya Commodity Exchange (ATB) was held at the ANFAŞ Antalya Exhibition Center with the support of TOBB, attended by Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, Development Minister Lütfi Elvan, TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, Antalya Governor Münir Karaloğlu , ATB President Ali Çandır, Antalya Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ATSO) President Davut Çetin and members of protocol.

TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that he visits YÖREX every year and the richness of Turkey’s every region is was exhibited at YÖREX.

Hisarcıklıoğlu emphasized that the geographical marks enable the local goods to meet with the world, “This grand organization has constructed a new perspective in regards to development, opening a fertile field for prosperity. I am proud of our Chairman Ali Çandır. He received the greatest support from our Chambers and Commodity Exchanges. We have more than 120 Chambers and Exchanges. If we do not protect our own values, others will profit instead of us. Chambers and Commodity Exchanges will support both YÖREX and their own local products, earning their geographical markers for their cities.

Hisarcıklıoğlu congratulated Gaziantep Chamber of Industry, Aydın Chamber of Commerce and Malatya CCI, who have accomplished this, as well as the geo-marker registration of ‘the Gaziantep Baklava, the Aydın Fig and the Malatya Peach.’”

Pointing out that YÖREX is a matter of vision, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “Antalya has done a very important job and has put in many years of labor for which they are now reaping the rewards. Hundreds of local products have been brought into the economy. This year’s fair is magnificent; the soul, identity and colors of Anatolia are gathered here.”

- Minister of Foreign Affairs Çavuşoğlu & Minister of Development Elvan

Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu also said that the number of participants in YÖREX and the quality of the fair has increased each year.

Çavuşoğlu reminded that 4,030 purchase delegations from 170 countries participated in the HESTOUREX fair held in Antalya, addressing the sectors of health, sports and alternative tourism and stated that contracts totaling approximately 10 billion TRY were signed at the fair. Çavuşoğlu said in fact that just the Antalya Training and Research Hospital had signed a contract with a Russian insurance company for the treatment of 20,000 Russian visitors.

Development Minister Lütfi Elvan also noted that YÖREX is important for local products to gain more commercial value.

- Other speakers

Ali Çandır, the President of the Antalya Commodity Exchange (ATB), stated that the government has set the goal of increasing production and exports of high value-added products for economic growth and said, “Geographically marked local products have a vital place in achieving this goal in a short time.”

Turkish Patent and Trademark Authority (TÜRKPATENT) President Prof. Dr. On January 10, 2017, Habip Asan pointed out that the new patent law has entered into force and noted that they can now register geographical marks in as little as 3 months.

Governor Münir Karaloğlu said that it is important that the local values of the 81 provinces of 7 regionsare introduced to the national and international arena.

Deputy Mayor of Metropolitan City of Antalya Mesut Kocagöz stated the importance of holding such organizations
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