NGO's unified stance against referendum in Northern Iraq


23.09.2017 Ankara

The Turkey-EU Joint Consultative Committee (JCC), formed by eight civil society organizations, took a stand against the referendum declared by the Northern Iraq Regional Government. TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, reading the joint statement on behalf of non-governmental organizations, stated that his decision was taken unilaterally, contrary to international norms and lacking legal basis.

The joint statement read by Hisarcıklıoğlu is as follows:

“Representing Turkey's civil society, we are the Turkish wing of the Turkey-EU Joint Consultative Committee: The Confederation of Trade Unions of Turkey (HAK-İŞ), Confederation of Civil Servants Union (MEMUR-SEN), Confederation of Turkish Tradesmen and Craftsmen (TESK), Confederation of Turkish Trade Unions (TÜRK-İŞ), Confederation of Employer Associations of Turkey (TİSK), Union of Confederations (Turkey KAMU-SEN), Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB), Union of Agricultural Chambers of Turkey (TZOB).

We want to share our views on the independence referendum planned for September 25th, 2017 in the north of Iraq.

We view the referendum declared by the Northern Iraqi Regional Government as unilateral, contrary to international norms, thus lacking legal grounds. Despite the warnings of our country and of many countries of common-sense, we find the persistent attitude and explanations of the regional government to be alarming. A referendum to be held in the current environment poses great risks both for the Iraqi people and for our region; new problems will arise. It will set the stage for new, larger and multilateral disputes, even armed conflicts, which will further disrupt the already weaker stability in the region.

It is clear that this step, aiming to destroy the territorial integrity of our neighbor and friend Iraq and building a new structure based on ethnic roots will cause inevitable ethnic and sectarian conflicts, especially in Kirkuk.

We hope that northern Iraqi politicians will see that there is no good to be had from conflict, that they cannot attain the results they wish through separation and division, and that they give up on this erroneous approach. It is our hope that the Iraqi politicians will avoid new unrest and dangerous adventures in the north of Iraq; we hope that wisdom will prevail.

Every step that threatens Iraq's political unity and territorial integrity directly effects our country and we cannot remain indifferent to it. This referendum on our border neighbors is a threat to Turkey's national security. We share the basic policy of our state to protect the territorial integrity of Iraq. We support the NSC's recommendation, as well as the steps that your government and the Assembly will take in this direction. We believe that seeing the same national sensitivity from all our political parties is of great importance in terms of safeguarding the security of our country.

We believe that it is imperative to show the spirit of unity and solidarity that we revealed against the treacherous coup attempt on July 15th as a nation again. We are ready to do our part.”

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