“Success comes when we stand united and in solidarity”


16.10.2017 Kastamonu

TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu said, at the meeting on Turkey and the Economic Future of Kastamonu, Kastamonu was a center of Ottoman culture, having an exceptional history by its nature.

Noting that the most beautiful examples of Ottoman architecture are still in Kastamonu, TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “Kastamonu High School is the first high school in Anatolia. İnebolu was the logistical center of Anatolia in the War of Independence. It is the only county with the ‘İstiklal’ (Independence) medal. İnebolu-Kastamonu-Ankara rail line became the most vital transportation route during our nation’s struggle for independence. So much so, Mustafa Kemal Pasha said, 'Eye on the front, my ear to İnebolu.’ Kastamonu is one of the provinces with the most martyrs in the War of Independence.”

Stating that Kastamonu is rich in terms of nature and culture, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “Küre Mountains National Park, Turkey's first national park. Turkey's first Museum of Urban History. The 4th largest cave in the world: Ilgarini. World's 2nd deepest canyon: Valla. Historical mansions without number. The magnificent Mahmutbey Mosque, the only mosque built in Turkey without the use of any nails. The very building in which we are holding this meeting bears the name of our famous architect Vedat Tek. From coastal tourism to winter tourism, tourism can be active here for 12 months of the year. Sheikh Shaban-i Veli, Mevlana, Hadji Bektash and Hadji Bayram are among the 4 saints of Anatolia. Faith tourism will be a great contribution to Kastamonu.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that Western Karadeniz Tourism Promotion and Business Association Fair, which is the first and only regional fair of Turkey, was approved by TOBB. Hisarcıklıoğlu said that the expo, which will include 8 cities including Kastamonu, will be organized in June 2018 and will bring serious benefits to the region.

Pointing out that geographical markers are an important opportunity for prosperity, the TOBB President said, “You attended YÖREX with 10 products and received publicity. The chamber and exchange, the governor and mayor are working diligently to register Kastamonu’s many signature products as geo-markers.

Hisarcıklıoğlu congratulated the Kastamonu Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Commodity Exchange in recognition of them being accredited.

Pointing out that Turkey was fighting three terrorist organizations simultaneously in 2016, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “Another country would be broken if they faced what we had to overcome in just one year; we, on the other hand, have begun the growth our country again as the Turkish private sector.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that they are closely keeping track of the demands coming from the chambers and commodity exchanges and provided information about the Respite Credits, zero-interest loans package via KOSGEB, employment mobilization and the Industrial Production Reform as well as their reach nationally.

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that troubles can be solved with unity and solidarity, continuing, “We have always solved troubles through unity and solidarity. Allah grants us grace and blessings when we stand together. Of course we have problems. We will embrace one another tightly and solve all our troubles through unity and solidarity.”

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