“Small enterprises expanding scope, increasing competitiveness with ABİGEM”


21.10.2017 Hatay

Speaking at the opening ceremony of Wood Drying Furnace in Antakya Small Industry Zone as a part of the ABİGEM Window Project, TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “Today we are pleased to contribute a new work to Hatay. The Wood Drying Furnace is a project which the chamber community has completed as a part of ABİGEM. The job of seeing the need of our business world and producing solutions to it is a matter of vision.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu noted that furniture producers can now complete the timber drying process in a maximum of 1 month instead 5-6 months. “There will be no need to go to distant places and dry lumber under the sun. An important need of the region will be met. This facility will also reduce the inventory costs of our export-oriented furniture producers.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu said that there are 19 EU-Turkey Business Development Centers (ABİGEM) in Turkey, each of which contributes to the economy in their own region, providing training and consultancy services for project preparation and export.

“We support you in growing your business,” said the TOBB President, “The Eastern Mediterranean ABİGEM in Hatay helped in achieving many successes. I will give you one example which stands out. There was a company called TeoFarm which operated from Antakya for 5 generations. Previously it only took on subcontractor work. They conferred with Hatay ABİGEM. Now they are producing their own brand. Turnover, staff and product catalogue has increased many times over.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that small enterprises expand their scope and increase their competitiveness with ABİGEM.

Following the ceremony, Hisarcıklıoğlu visited Antakya Furniture Joint Production Center and ABİGEM office.

Hisarcıklıoğlu received information on the joint production center and services from Hikmet Çinçin, Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Antakya.

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