Jewellery Sector demand immidiate solution for Private Consumption Tax (OTV)



TOBB Jewellery Industry Assembly gathered in order to settle roadmap for 2011. During the meeting in particular stock release, re-assessment, production in alternative months, outage application in export and training activities, many issues are addressed, regarding the sector and it is agreed that one of the most important issue is Special Consumption Tax (OTV). Representatives of the sector demanded either special consumption tax should be ruled out or its ratio should be decreased.

​During the meeting, it is stated that accompanied by resolution of this special consumption tax issue, so many significant gains shall be obtained such as competitiveness of the sector would be improved, employment would be created, informality would be reduced and so on.   Turkish Jewellery Industry Assembly gathered at TOBB Service Building in Istanbul held issues regarding tasks of commission and sub-commissions to be established in order to resolve issues of the sector. During the meeting in which 2011 roadmap of the assembly was discussed; activities to be performed in subjects such as lobby activities, intra-sectoral communication activities, corporate communication, international sectoral promotions, sectoral fairs, training and R&D have been stressed as well.   -Lobby activities shall be concentrated on   Jewellery Industry Assembly shall be concentrated on lobby activities in upcoming period. For that purpose, Assembly shall pay attention to creating communication with sectoral organizations and coordinated working, having sectoral issues addressed and followed by government. In addition, active participations of members of assembly to congress, meeting, conference, workshops shall be ensured.   -Scheduled activities for international promotions   “International promotions” issue was discussed in detail at the meeting. In upcoming period, it is decided to perform studies in areas such as information sharing with foreign press, planning international advertising works, cooperation with magazine editors in order to issue reports for Turkey, counselling to foreign buyers and visitors from associations and institutions and orienting them to sector, information sharing with foreign non-governmental organizations.

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