“If Aegean grows, Turkey grows”


25.10.2017 İzmir

TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “If the Aegean Region is growing, then Turkey is growing. If Aegean is in trouble, so is Turkey. This is why the Aegean is unique. We have to pay special attention here. Today the Aegean Region is performing greatly, producing domestic and export trade volumes totaling 534bn TRY.”

Speaking at the opening session of the Aegean Economic Forum in İzmir with the participation of Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım, TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that the he believes the Forum will add new momentum for the Aegean region’s development.

Hisarcıklıoğlu thanked the Prime Minister Yıldırım and the Ministers for their support and encouragement to the TOBB community by attending the forum.

Hisarcıklıoğlu emphasized that the Aegean is a locomotive that has always contributed to the Turkish economy with its production culture, entrepreneurship and openness to the outside world. “Today, everything from agriculture to industry, tourism to logistics and education to high technology has reached a level that we are proud of. The Aegean has been able to do all this through the hard work and enthusiasm of its entrepreneurial people.”

The TOBB President drawing attention to coming to Aegean Region cities without fail every year, said, “We keep your pulse, listen to your troubles, your opinions, we produce solutions together with the Chamber and Commodity Exchange Chairs, and we relay our recommendations to the government. We have achieved important steps with the support of the government. Reducing the cost of employment, taking steps to eliminate the TRT share on industrial electricity and the real estate tax for OIZs, which we have complained about for years. Thanks to all of these, the burden on our real sector has lessened by 1bn TRY annually.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım and the government's real sector friendly approach and decisions have relieved, encouraged and gave the business community strength to grow, “We will achieve a higher growth rate this year.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu stating that not all problems have been solved, said, “But we have the will to overcome all that, and we showed it every time. Problems are not solved through fighting but through the common mind and dialogue. We will be among the top 10 economies in the world.”

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