Hisarcıklıoğlu attended Association of Latin American Chambers of Commerce General Assembly


13.11.2017 Madrid İspanya

TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu attended the General Assembly of the Association of Latin American Chambers of Commerce (AICO) held in Madrid. Accompanying Hisarcıklıoğlu were TOBB Vice Chairman and EBSO Chairman Ender Yorgancılar, Denizli Chamber of Commerce Chair Uğur Ercan, Trabzon CCE Chair Suat Hacısalihoğlu, Bursa Commodity Exchange Chair Özer Matlı, Uşak CCE Chair Suat Kandemir and TOBB Secretary General Mustafa Saraçöz.

The delegation headed by Hisarcıklıoğlu started with lunch organized by the Ambassador Ömer Önhon of Madrid. At the luncheon, Ambassador Önhon gave information about developments in Spain and Turkey-Spain relations. Opinions were exchanged on the development of relations.


Then, a presentation was made about the Turkish economy prepared by TOBB at the AICO General Assembly held in Madrid Chamber of Commerce.

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