We achieved a new success story


11.12.2017 Ankara

Assessing growth figures, The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu expressed that Turkish entrepreneurs have proven their capability against all negativity brought to their way, extraneous economic and political obstacles.

Assessment of Hisarcıklıoğlu as follows;

“With the growth rates both in last quarter as 11.1 percent and in 9 months as 7.4 percent we became a country globally envied, positively differ and in the ascendant.

Once more we have globally proven what Turkish entrepreneurs could achieve against all negativity brought to their way, extraneous economic and political obstacles and how dynamic and productive country Turkey is.

Fellow tradesmen, industrialist and manufacturers shut their ears to nonsenses and by looking to the future they created a new success story.

It has become evident that finance, employment and production incentives implemented by our government in consultation with our business world are accurate steps, providing markets with confidence and ability to spin the wheels.

Last year we said whoever have confidence in Turkey shall win. Indeed who trust and carry on with investment and production become the winner.

As Turkish business world our target is to reach 7 percent growth in 2017 and thereafter to maintain such growth with more production, investment and exportation.

We thank to our government, economy administration for being a driving power for this growth by implementing reforms and taking sides with our business world.”

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