Hisarcıklıoğlu met with the stars of industry in Kayseri


23.12.2017 Kayseri

Speaking at Industry Night Event 2017 meeting organised by Kayseri Chamber of Industry (KAYSO) TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu revealed the recipe for success as shared wisdom and acting in unison. Hisarcıklıoğlu highlighted that the figures for economic growth are pleasing and promising.

KAYSO Industry Night Event 2017 meeting hosted by KAYSO President Mehmet Büyüksimitçi held with the participation of TOBB President M. Rİfat Hisarcıklıoğlu together with Minister of Custom and Trade Bülent Tüfenkci. TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu during the speech he made therein has complimented the unity and solidarity of Kayseri.  Reminding the saying “Unity bears mercy and richness where discrepancy bear torment” Hisarcıklıoğlu told “We already know the virtue of this saying as Kayseri. But as country, we also experienced it time after time, especially during the recent years. Here, in the recent years Turkey has been struggling with global and regional crisis of its all-time. We are hosting 3.5 million of refugees. We are tackling with 3 global terrorist organisation at the same time. We said that new and unconventional reforms were needed for economic growth during such a period like this, we put common mind into use. You passed it to use, we passed it to our government. Then they carried it into effect.”

-What did the requests of chambers and commodity exchanges brought?

Telling about what have been carried out after receiving requests from Chambers-Commodity Exchanges Hisarcıklıoğlu also stated that within finance area they have provided companies with credit loan on 9.9 percent interest rate basis. Stating that they have provided 5 billion lira worth of credit for 27 thousand firms in total Hisarcıklıoğlu also stated that in Kayseri 396 SMEs have met 38 million lira of credit repository. In addition to that telling that KOSGEB provided 275 thousand firms with 7 billion lira worth of interest free credit on 3-year term Hisarcıklıoğlu also said 220 billion lira of credit has been given to 364 thousand firms by Credit Guarantee Fund. TOBB President expressed that they provided fund worth of 232 billion lira to 666 firms throughout Turkey.

Stating that they have achieved a major employment campaign Hisarcıklıoğlu also said that state provide great deal of support for cost obstacles within this field.  

-The success story of Kayseri

Telling that the new worldwide trend is the competition between cities Hisarcıklıoğlu added “That is to say the more you grow cities, the more your country grows. In that sense Kayseri is a success story. It is a success story which entirely come out of its own dynamics. Kayseri has been a trading city. With its own people’s labour it become one of the most important industrial cities of Turkey. Masters, labourers have set up factory. As if it was not enough, entirely through their own means Kayseri has become a Tourist city. We set up world’s longest runway, on the cutting edge facilities in this city. Surely that was not enough, so now we become major education city with our 3 universities. We accept students with high points following 3 big cities. We did not expect anything from the state. 85 % of the education facilities have been built up by the support of good samaritans, businessmen of Kayseri. In this sense Kayseri is unique in Turkey. We did not ask anything from the state. We reached this point with our own means. We are continuing to grow our city, our country. As you can see since the global crisis; Employment and Exportation. We are at least 10 point head of Turkey’s average in those two fields. We are saying that we want to maintain to grow our city. Now does Kayseri that achieved all those things, deserve high – speed train, highway, dutiable airport?”

TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu stating that considerable amount of achievement had been made in domestic automobile matter, he also said there is still time to determine the place for investment. Reminding that each city and region have requests in relation with this matter, Hisarcıklıoğlu advised cities to unite their forces.

- Minister of Custom and Trade Bülent Tüfenkci

During his speech Minister of Custom and Trade Bülent Tüfenkci said “Eventhough some cannot accept, feel annoyed Turkey has achieved this growth as whole with its domestic and foreign trade.  Those who anticipate disaster scenarios for 2017, no doubt shall be embarrassed in 2018. "

Attending ‘Industry Night Event’ by Kayseri Chamber of Industry (KAYSO) Minister of Custom and Trade Bülent Tüfenkci underlined that despite all the obstacles a globally enviable growth had been achieved in 2017. Urging that such growth would maintain in 2018 Tüfenkci also said “The economy of our country gives confidence to both domestic and foreign investors. Despite the villainous coup attempt in 2016, furthermore to make things worst they put their signature under an economic terror act and act together with malice groups; despite all those our country stand firmly and made a powerful start to 2017. Allah willing, we are ending 2017 powerfully. When we look back in the third quarter we have achieved globally enviable growth rate. Eventhough some could not accept it, feel annoyed about it Turkey achieved this growth rate not only in one sector but as a whole with its domestic and foreign trade. Those who anticipate pessimistic scenarios in 2017 shall be no doubt be embarrassed in 2018. With the current measures as well as the ones we would announce next month, Allah will you shall see that the inflation will also reduce to single digit figures in 2018. Despite all the difficulties in 2017 an additional employment for 1 million 355 thousand people had been provided.  This figure is not an insufficient figure. When we look at the average numbers of last 7 years, each year Turkey provided 1 million people with employment. In the coming periods we shall provide employment exceeding those figures. Each year over 1 million people join to the labour force. Therefore we need to provide our people with jobs by achieving growth rates more than 5 percent. What we accomplished are the assurance for what we shall achieve. We unlike some people do not do politics on lies, we are the pupils of our President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. If Allah permits, until now and in future we do not make promises that we cannot keep.”

- KAYSO President Mehmet Büyüksimitçi

KAYSO President Mehmet Büyüksimitçi thanking to Minister of Custom and Trade Bülent Tüfençki for the support provided for invigoration of economy in 2017 and said that such supports should be permanent for the next year. Büyüksimitçi said “I know that as the ministry that The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey is associated with, you have great endeavour in all the measures which conduce towards pulling through of our economy which was slowed down due to the villainous coup attempt in 2016. Especially I thank for production reform law, TOBB Breathing Credit, KOSGEB supports, employment supports, +1 employment support, arbitration law, VAT reduction applied to furniture, Special Consumption Tax reduction applied to white appliances”.

Protocol members who attended the night presented with gifts and also the industrialist presented with their awards. 

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