Now we want peace to overtake in this region


20.12.2017 Şırnak

The opening ceremony for TOBB Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School in Şırnak build by TOBB held by the attendance of TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, Minister of Environment and Urbanisation Mehmet Özhaseki and Governor of Şırnak Mehmet Aktaş.

Speaking at the ceremony TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu telling that they came to Şırnak for salutary works also said “This morning we opened Cizre’s first international hotel. Then we checked over various investments in Cizre-Silopi-Şırnak made by our Ministry of Environment and Urbanisation. Now here we will be opening educational facilities that we bring in Şırnak as TOBB.”


Thanking to Minister Özhaseki for being there on their happy and important day Hisarcıklıoğlu said followings: “He has been a brand in municipality since past to present. Now he has become the brand of urban planning and public improvements. He always stands by Turkish private sector. We are truly lucky to have such Minister”.


Hisarcıklıoğlu said that Şırnak is Turkey’s window to the Middleeast and Habur Border gate which as TOBB they modernised contributes great deal to the exportation of Turkey.


Hisarcıklıoğlu underlined that thanks to the efforts by Ministry of Environment and Urbanisation Şırnak, Cizre and Silopi have regained brand new appearance.


Underlining that they largely overcome the difficulties Hisarcıklıoğlu said “Now we want peace overtake in this region. Because without peace there will be no trade. The secret of trade is within peace. Without trade no wealth is possible. Peace is equal to wealth. Here our governor, Şırnak and Cizre Chamber Presidents, in Ankara our minister and us as TOBB, we are all working together for that. Since past to present we, as TOBB always stand by our brothers in Şırnak. In 2005 we contributed to construction of girls’ dormitory. In 2006 during the flood disaster and again in 2016 during the month Ramadan we did not leave our brothers in Şırnak and Cizre.”


Stating that to enable Şırnak to develop more, they continue to invest Hisarcıklıoğlu said followings: “Here the most important investment area is education. As TOBB, we purchased this 117 thousand m2 ground for the construction of schools and lodging houses. Therefore 4 schools with 88 classroom capacity as TOBB Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, Sports High School, Şükrü Geliş Science High Scholl and Imam Hatip High School have been built. Here also 2 lodging houses where 600 students in total can stay become operational. One of the schools that I previously mentioned, Science High School also came in operation by the courtesy of Şırnak TSO President Osman Geliş”.


Stating that he was proud of Şırnak TSO Present Osman Geliş who never step back from investing in Şırnak, Hisarcıklıoğlu also said “As to our faith 3 persons’ book of action are never closed, those who left an auspicious work, a dutiful child, auspicious knowledge. Those people shall maintain to acquire good deed even after death. God willing through these works we shall be providing all three of them.”


Stating that youngsters who would be graduating from those schools would do us proud as knowledgeable and wise persons Hisarcıklıoğlu also said “They shall be driving power for the development of both Şırnak and our country. Hereby I state my best wishes to Şırnak for our schools and lodging houses that we opened.”


-Minister Özhaseki


Minister of Environment and Urbanisation Mehmet Özhaseki also expressed his best wishes to Şırnak, to the country and nation for the new facilities.


Özhaseki said "Older timers had a saying; man should leave an achievement behind, those who does not have an achievement shall be gone forever. We are living in a passing life. The important thing is to be able to achieve good works between these two periods of times. When a human being passes away his child remembers him the most, then his grandchild and finally he shall be fade away.  If we do not want to be fade away we need to leave works, achievements behind.” and added that whatever service they provide for Şırnak the city of his holiness Noah, shall not be enough.


Governor Mehmet Aktaş told that the most valuable investment is the one made to a person. Saying "If as the state and nation, we are still standing strongly and moving on despite all the negativity around us as, reached to the position of hope for the oppressed people of Islamic world is because we have hardworking, productive and educated generation who can interpret global world." Aktaş also underlined that schools region shall provide an opportunity for raising individuals who deeply experience sharp mind, loyal to the country, the flag, the language, the religion and the state.

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