“Let us globally establish Turkey-Qatar partnership"


16.01.2018 Doha / Qatar

Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, calling on Qatar business world for uniting strong sides of two countries, said "You have capital, we have entrepreneurial spirit. Let us unite them together with substantial projects. Let us globally establish Turkey-Qatar partnership."

During his speech at “Turkey-Qatar Business Forum” organised by TOBB and Qatar Chamber of Commerce and Industry Hisarcıklıoğlu pointed out that following FETÖ's coup attempt the first country give support to Turkey was Qatar. 

Saying that Turkey and Turkish business world standing by Qatar dealing with regional difficulties Hisarcıklıoğlu continued as follows:

"When Turkey and Qatar teamed up we had productivity delivered to the economy. 15 years ago, in 1 year only 600 brothers of ours from Qatar were visiting Turkey, now this figure has gone up to 46 thousand people which multiplied by 77. Our mutual trade volume was only 15 million USD whereas now multiplying by 60 that figure reached to 900 million USD. Invested Qatar capital to our country was only 1 million USD, now it has reached to 1.6 billion USD. In the past there was no Turkish investments in Qatar whereas now our businessmen started to make significant investments here. Yet 15 years ago no Turkish firms were mentioned in Qatar, today our firms undertake projects worth 14 billion USD."

Stating that relations between two countries should be improved, Hisarcıklıoğlu said "Now we are telling that let us unite our strong sides. You have capital, we have entrepreneurial spirit Let us unite them together with substantial projects. Let us globally establish Turkey-Qatar partnership. Let us make Turkey-Qatar route ‘peace-trade-wealth’ route."

Hisarcıklıoğlu, expressing that they had a request for such mission, said "Remove the possible obstacles that might show up in trade, transportation and investment. Make it easier for us doing business. You remove the obstacles, Allah willing, we as Turkish and Qatar business world will work out the rest. We shall enable industrialisation as well as doing business with third countries."

Hisarcıklıoğlu, reminding that Qatar would be hosting 2002 FİFA World Cup, also noted that such event would be an opportunity for publicity and tourism of the country. Hisarcıklıoğlu underlined tha a Muslim country hosting this event for the first time filled Turkey pride.

Stating that Turkey also monitoring and supporting Qatar's "2030 National Vision" Hisarcıklıoğlu said that country had taken step in the right direction for industrialisation.

-Minister of Custom and Trade

Minister of Custom and Trade Bülent Tüfenkci said that they do not consider less Qatar’s security, peace and stability than Turkey’s security and stability, especially in recent years the relations between two countries reached to perfect level thanks to mutual political will.




Reminding that opposing manner of Turkey right from the start against unfair, unlawful embargo as well as isolation attempts, Tüfenkci also stated that Qatar and its public had been stand by and also political, economic and military support was given to.

Tüfenkci remarked that even though the trade volume between two countries have dropped off to 678 million USD in 2016 whereas it was around 784 million USD in 2015 but finally it reached to 788 million USD as of first 11 months in 2017. Tüfenkci said "I believe foreign trade volume between two countries should be a lot more than this level. With this matter most of the duty obligation is on you, businessmen. As the politicians and concerning ministries of two countries, we are ready to give you each and every support."

Remarking that Turkey become an important economic factor within its region and world by its young and qualified workforce as well as large domestic market, well-disciplined finance sector, developed infrastructure and competitive private sector, Tüfenkci followed as;

"Turkey had an average growth rate of 7.1 percent from 2011 to 2015. Our growth figure in third quarter has actualised as 11.1 percent. Our country, with this performance pulling ahead of all other countries in the world, become the fastest growing economy in the third quarter. All investors should be sure of that Turley is a country where competition rules are effective. The practice of our laws are effective in convenient manner for the investors. We have a free market where goods and services can be passed into other hands between persons and establishments without facing any obstacles."

- "Third country markets can be penetrated together"

Pointing that structural reforms are being considered in great deal Tüfenkci also stated that major development projects including large scale energy infrastructure investment had been carried out.

Minister Tüfenkci, pointing out that economies of two countries have mutually complimenting each other, also said with joint investments in many areas, markets of third countries can be penetrated.

Stating that Turkey having second biggest construction sector in the world, Tüfenkci informed that amongst 250 largest construction firms in the world, there are 42 Turkish companies.

Tüfenkci also mentioning 15th July coup attempt, gave following reviews: "This attempt which is more than a vicious conspiracy, was turned out to be a terrorist act aiming to overthrow democratically elected government, President and constitutional order in Turkey. Those who prevented the coup were the Turkish public from various social and political backgrounds as they have displayed a historic solidarity by standing in front of the tanks and recovered their democratic rights. United against this relentless conspiracy, all the political parties and TBMMM members have definitely protected the democracy, legitimate democratic institutions and Constitution. Hereby, on behalf of my nation and government, once more I would like thank you all for sincere support of government and people of Qatar during and after the coup attempt."

Stating that no peace would be able to maintain within the region when there is massacre and inhumane treatment in Palestine, while Kudus and Gaza are under blockade, Tüfenkci underlined that Turkey shall not compromise from its deemed right path and principles.




Tüfenkci, remarking that Turkey being determined to take all the necessary steps for improving relations with Qatar, stated followings:

"I would like to underline once more that we have the will for to do our share for providing mutual convenience to especially to our businessmen and promoting investments. By benefiting from all the opportunities we must diversify our trade, carry it to high added value grounds and increase it accordingly. In order to increase our trade with Qatar, primarily we will speed up the works for making Iraq and Iran transit access easier. We would like to form a mechanism which shall be making transit access between two countries easier as well as enabling transit access through Iraq."

- Thanking to Turkish private sector

Qatar Economy and Trade Minister Sheik Ahmed bin Casim bin Muhammed Al Sani​ said that they support foreign investors and private sector. Stating that they try to benefit from not only petrol but also other sectors, Al Sani ​stated that foreign investors have all the rights that Qatar citizens have.

Al Sani ​telling that special brotherhood relation ties Qatar and Turkey together, also said "I thank both Qatar and Turkish private sector individually. They showed maximum effort to overcome cruel embargo applied to Qatar. Thanks to the forum, I believe strategical partnerships shall be able to embark on and our economic status shall proceed."

Remarking that Qatar becoming an important country within the region which attracts investments, Al Sani also stated that Turkey-Qatar Business Forum shall be producing beneficial results between two countries in short, mid and long term.

-"We will never forget the way Turkey stood by us during the embargo"

Qatar Chamber of Commerce and Industry President Sheik Khalifa bin Jassim Al Thani said that thanks to the contributions by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan relations between two countries has taken on a significant dimension.

Thani, stating that the support by Turkey during the embargo towards Qatar was very important and precious, continued as "We estimate that our fundamental investments will reach to 93 billion USD. Qatar is getting ready for major investments. We will like to collaborate with the private sector of nation friendly Turkey. We will never forget the way Turkey stood by us during the embargo."

Indicating that Turkey-Qatar Business Forum shall be providing benefit for both countries, Thani also told that thereby Qatar Chamber of Commerce and Industry together with the Chambers in Turkey shall be heading more partnership.


Within the forum, bilateral business meetings between 400 businessmen from 13 sectors were carried out. 

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