“Our government, in consultation with us enabled 3 significant steps to be taken”


06.01.2018 Nevşehir

TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, during his speech that he made at Nevşehir Business World Meeting, said that Turkey reached a magnificent growth rate of 7.4 percent in the first 9 months which President Erdoğan and Prime Minister Yıldırım greatly contributed to this success.

Organised by Nevşehir Chamber of Commerce and Industry along with Nevşehir Commodity Exchange Nevşehir Business World Meeting held by the attendance of Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım and TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu.


Hisarcıklıoğlu, during the speech he gave herein stated that prime Minister Yıldırım always standing by private sector for any matter and competent on entire problems of the private sector.


Reminding that thanks to Prime Minister’s business world friendly approach and vision he enabled many positive practices to be carried into effect, Hisarcıklıoğlu also stated followings:


“Our biggest problem was with the financing. If you can refresh your memories, this time last year we were complaining about how the banks were causing distress in relation with credits. Under the leadership of our Esteemed Prime Minister our government, in consultation with us, enabled 3 significant steps to be taken.


Firstly we introduced TOBB Breathing Credit. We provide our members to use credit with annual 9.90 percent interest rate which is the lowest rate within the market. Our Nevşehir Chamber-Commodity Exchange along with Ürgüp Chamber mobilised all the facilities they had. Then KOSGEB granted interest free working capital loan. After that, a historic support by our government was provided to Credit Guarantee Fund. Exactly 653 thousand firms had benefitted through those 3 channels, used 232 billion lira worth credit. That is to say, we provided 1 out of every 2 members of ours throughout Turkey with cost effective finance.”


-1.5 million additional employment


Stating that the biggest problem following finance obstacle was the burden on employment, Hisarcıklıoğlu said “Under the leadership of President we started employment campaign. Our Esteemed Prime Minister and government also took initiative with this matter and gave their historic support. Our Chambers and Commodity Exchanges in 81 provinces also actively worked. Thereby public and private sectors, together we have achieved a magnificent success. We provided 1.5 million additional employment.”


Underlining that many problems that they reflected in relation with investment climate had been solved, Hisarcıklıoğlu stated “For example we were under a pointless but major burden of TRT contribution within industrial electricity. For years we mentioned that and demanded to be invalidated. At long last this matter had been dealt with. Yet another major cost element on our shoulders was eliminated. There were also burden of revenue stamp and property tax. By the introduction of Production Reform Package, those too significantly relieved. In 2017 only with TRT contribution, property tax and revenue stamp reductions, almost 1 billion lira of financial burden had been eliminated from the shoulders of our industrialist. Therefore investments by the private sector picked up. Most solid investment increase in the past 2 years had been achieved within the past 3 months. Comparing to last year, 55 billion lira more investment had been carried out.”


Hisarcıklıoğlu said that thanks to all those Turkey achieved a magnificent performance of 7.4 percent growth rate as of first 9 months which President Erdoğan and Prime Minister Yıldırım had a great contribution to such success.


-Nevşehir’s expectations


Addressing the matters that are important to Nevşehir Hisarcıklıoğlu stated followings:


 “Commencement of Turkish Airlines İzmir-Nevşehir and Antalya-Nevşehir flights is very important in respect of tourism potential. 6 thousand USD tourism incentive per plane was ceased at the end of 2017. We expect this incentive to be maintained also in 2018.


We also wait for a good news from you in relation with Antalya-Konya-Kapadokya high-speed rail line. Because you know better that connecting Antalya-Konya-Nevşehir-Kayseri corridor with high-speed train makes such a senses for both tourism and trade.


At the same time Nevşehir is one the leading cities of Anatolia in agricultural production. But we have serious problems in this respect. Custom rate within haricot importation had been cancelled out. Producers and merchants suffered from this. Nevşehir is requesting revival of custom tax. Also in order to support to potato exportation, we are expecting for incentive by DFİF.


Yet another important matter is the condition of Nevşehir Improvement OSB. There, we have 70 investors and factories. Until now we never received any support from the state. But now we expect support for supply of natural gas to here. With your support and directives we shall overcome herein obstacle. Therefore Nevşehir shall be the shining star of Anatolia thanks to its agriculture, tourism and industry. Also will be able to give more contribution to the Turkish economy.”


-Prime Minister Yıldırım


Prime Minister Yıldırım stating that he gathered with industrialist and businessmen who contribute added value to the economy, also quoted that they were in dialogue with all segments of the society and came to know the matters at first hand.


Prime Minister Yıldırım, "When you want to deliver a solution you need to find you will find the one from out of the blue. In other words, you cannot find a solution for potato producers in Nevşehir while you are in your desk in Ankara. You cannot precisely determine the problems of industrial segment. Colourful news on the papers, plenty of reports and figures brought to us would tell us something but the one who physically and mentality sweats on the field would tell us something else. What he says is production, what he says is to enrich the value of this country. We converse with the representatives and umbrella organisations of our business world, industrialists, and tradesmen which we personally pay on-location visits. We deliver solutions accordingly. We do not act for any matter without consulting."


Expressing the attendance of TOBB President Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, the Confederation of Turkish Tradesmen and Craftsmen (TESK) President Bendevi Palandöken along with Türk-İş President Ergün Atalay to the programme, Yıldırım made a review as "Along with employees employers are here as well as those who produce, labour and sweat blood. Do not underrate TOBB. TOBB has 1.5 million of members. It is the source for richness of private sector. Provides 15 million of employment through all its members. Annually controls investments worth more than 300 billion lira.  Brings in 160 billion of export revenue to our country."


Pointing out that it is necessary to pave the way for private sector in order to enable Turkey get wealthier and to achieve growth, Yıldırım said the followings:


"Now, state making investment worth of 1 lira whereas private sector makes investment worth of 8 lira. You heard it right, 1 to 8. Why? Private sector trusts, have trust in its country, looks at the future with hope. Sees the stability, powerful government therefore make investments. People would like think that state makes huge investments. All in all the amount of investment made by the state is only 128 billion lira per annum. Together with municipality, ministries, government in total it is 128 billion lira. Private sector makes investment worth of 900 billion lira. Therefore if Turkey achieved a growth 3 times more, if the national revenue has gone over 860 billion USD you played a role in that. Producing, transforming their produce to added value, providing employment, living to millions of citizens, our private sector, business world, tradesmen and craftmen are behind this."


Reminding that he came to Nevşehir on 4th March 2017, Yıldırım continued his speech as follows:


"Yet again here in this hall, we feasted on white beans of Arif Parmaksız which was finger licking good. Nearly we would be out of our finger. Therefore the taste of it still lingers. So we thought we should not bypass this time. Principally we do not push additional programmes into the schedule of conferences but this time it happened exclusive to Nevşehir. In fact Nevşehir is a special city.  What does fellows of Nevşehir say? 'No silver would be pin on girls, no act could be put on towards. We are fellows of Nevşehir, no show of is allowed to us.' Therefore we will be aware of where we are."


-"We provided funding for 600 thousand people"


Noting that the past year was difficult as well as successful, Prime Minister Yıldırım shared his following view: "We came of 15th July vicious coup attempt. In addition to those who created bad scenarios for our country, we had also internal associates to those but thank Allah we moved swiftly to adopt course of action together with our chamber, commodity exchanges, and tradesmen. What shall we do? We would liven up the market rapidly. How would the market liven up? We shall issue credit, more investments would be carried out. Whoever want to renew their businesses let them renew, whoever want to open a new business let them open, and whoever want to expand their businesses, let them expand. What is needed for that? Resource is need. Credit Guaranty Fund, we deposited 25 billion lira cash there. By providing that amount as collateral we created a credit volume worth up to 250 billion lira. As of today almost 300 thousand business owner have used such credit actually worth more than 230 billion lira. Furthermore if we add breathing credit as well as credits granted by chambers, commodity exchanges, other banks, KOSGEB, craftsman’s cooperatives, we provided funding for 600 thousand people in total. Those who bewail that 'Turkey would have achieved 3 percent why achieved 11 percent growth rate?' do not know the underlying substance. We anticipated that and from the very start took the precautions"


-Minister of Custom and Trade Tüfenkci


Minister of Custom and Trade Bülent Tüfenkci reminded that despite all the internal and external obstructions, Turkey had achieved a growth rate over 11 percent in the last quarter.


Underlining that as government they had been carrying out significant works in order to pave the way for business world Tüfenkci stated followings: "up until now Turkey never embarrassed, let down anyone who confidently produce and employ. Our Prime Minister directed us to pave the way for those who provide employment, production. We accordingly work for paving the way for you as well for enabling you doing your businesses conveniently, providing more employment. As well as the incentives that we provide for the business world, we also stand by small business owners. Accordingly in order to enable further growth and value handicraft of our repairmen, furniture makers who engage business within small scale industry we presented tradesmen with a package. We said ‘one from you one from us’. We cover 6-moths wages including entire salary and SSK premiums of those who provide employment for one more person. We want to develop our tradesmen and transform them to merchant. We want to develop our merchants and transform them to industrialist. We want to develop our industrialists and transform them to exporter. "

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