Champions of employment received their awards at the Presidential Complex


14.12.2017 Ankara

Within the employment campaign provinces, sectors and firms that increased employments since January 2017 have received their awards during the ceremony held at Presidential Complex. Speaking at the award ceremony TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that as the community of chamber and commodity exchange they continue investing into Turkey’s future and he also said “As the business world we ever after have more confidence in our country and ourselves and courageously taking steps forward.

Hisarcıklıoğlu attended “Employment Forum and National Employment Campaign Award Ceremony” at the Presidential Complex under the aegis of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan which organised by Ministry of Labour and Social Security and TOBB. Started his speech by expressing his condolences for İbrahim Çağlar President of İstanbul Chamber of Commerce who passed away as result of heart attack, Hisarcıklıoğlu has mentioned the fact that subsequent to President Erdoğan setting the target high, their share is to work. TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu said "thank Allah altogether we have shown maximum effort for whole year. Here in this room all the stakeholders of business world are present. Allah has not lose our effort but provide us with plenty. Therefore historic success came out in employment".


Reminding that as TOBB they have initiated a national campaign concerning employment under the motto of “this will work” Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that such campaign provided millions of people with employment opportunity.


Pointing out the fact that firms have stand out against all endogenous and exogenous problems, Hisarcıklıoğlu continued as follows;


-Business world now have more confidence within


"As commerce and commodity exchange community we are and will continue investing into Turkey’s future. I thank to our Esteemed President as well as Esteemed Prime Minister and cabinet who accomplished many reforms concerning not only employment but also reduction of finance and input costs. As business community we now have more confidence in our country and ourselves, courageously taking steps forward.”


Hisarcıklıoğlu said that after the global financial crisis during the period between 2010 to 2017 Turkish economy achieved a growth for 7 seven consecutive year and the average growth during aforementioned period was 7% and they provided new employment for 6 million 600 thousand people.


Reminding that President Erdoğan has showed leadership for Kudüs issue and gathered entire Islam world in İstanbul, Hisarcıklıoğlu made evaluation saying that "When we join hands our country shall be able to overcome every problem and reached a well-deserved place, that is to say shall take its place within 10 largest worldwide economy”.


- President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan


President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, during his speech in Employment Forum at Beştepe Nation Culture Centre, expressed his gratitude to the business community which participated in employment campaign that they initiated in February.


Erdoğan by pointing out that providing additional employment for 1.5 million people within the campaign since the beginning of 2017 till now has been a record breaking result for Turkey, said "These pleasant developments are the best answer to those who act as crisis barker for the future of Turkey. Naturally we do not expect those who sneer at our country’s 11.1 % growing rate within 3rd quarter to appreciate additional employment for 1.5 million people. We don’t ask them for anything just not to cast a shadow, clip our wings, and waste our time. We shall join hands with our nation, business world, tradespeople, artists, workers and Allah willing we will overcome all the obstacles and reach our target".


- "Key to the achieved target is through producing"


President Erdoğan underlined that Turkey has an objective defined as "exceeding the level of contemporary civilization” and objectified by projects of 2023 and continued as follows:


"The passage to this target is through producing, so much the more regenerating and improving ourselves. 7.4 percent growth rate that our country has achieved in 3rd quarter this year, thank Allah shows us that we are proceeding in the line with our objectives. Allah willing I believe by the end of the year we shall be achieving a rate as such."


Stating that they are aware of the importance of incentives for increase in employments and become permanent, therefore they shall be carry on with 11 employment incentives, President Erdoğan continued his speech as follows:


"Here and now especially on behalf of myself and my nation I have a request from our entrepreneurs, businessmen. Because it shall be a mistake if we expect state to provide for this employment campaign all the time. However with 1.5 million members Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey is surely not over 1.5, is it?  Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchange with 1.5 million members has been requested by us to provide plus one employment at the beginning of the year, whereas now our growth rate has doubled and if we provide plus two employment accordingly go will the growth rate of our country shall increase, spread out even more and will drive those who are jealous of this country mad."


Asking businessmen “Are we in this together?” Erdoğan proceed his speech as follows:


"That is to say when each establishment provides two of each employment, I mean plus, Allah will we shall continue to increase 11.1. Do you know what this brings? This shall also enhance the affect, love between my people and employer and this will increase the bonding level between state and nation even more. It shall boost the bonding between employer and employee too and today me getting this promise from you, I believe has swept off my citizen watching us on television. Above all us taking such a step during the period when subcontracting issue has been dismissed will bring utterly different excitement, enthusiasm."


- Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım


Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım has stated "The growth rate for 3rd quarter is 11.1.  This is a worldwide record. We outdistanced both China and India, Turkey has taken the first line on the list. That’s what accord with Turkey. Likewise we are heading for a record in export too. On yearly basis we have reached export volume worth of 155.5 billion USD. As per year end we are targeting to achieve the record of all times."


Yıldırım has reminded that they have started the employment campaign on the beginning of this years at the Economy Forum organised upon the call by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and cabinet and effective participation of business community, therefore he evoked member of Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchange of Turkey (TOBB) to provide at least 1 additional employment.


- "We have adopted significant incentive resolutions"


Stating that similar request shall be made today by the President Erdoğan's call, Yıldırım continued his speech as follows:


"This time it will not be 1, it is going to be more. The decision on that shall be made by our President right here. Turkey has a young and dynamic population. We need to create new job opportunity for our young population. In last year since this employment campaign has been started we have found new jobs, provided opportunity for 1.5 million citizens. We, as cabinet has adopted significant incentive resolutions within this campaign in order to reduce your burden. We carried incentives and measures into effect. At the end magnificent social solidarity has come to light. Right after that meeting, we have carried many reformative decision such as minimum wage support to moratorium, business establishment and employment aids into effect."


Yıldırım informed that TOBB has embarked with "this will work" motto, entire commerce and commodity exchange presidents shouldered responsibility, gathered with tradesmen and workers, likewise in 81 province Minister of Labour and Social Security and her team carry out these worksmeticulously. Stating that before the year ends 1.5 million new employment have been created, Yıldırım said "1.5 million employment means happiness of 1.5 million family. Here in this pleasant and meaningful ceremony, we are rewarding provinces and firms which achieved increase in employment. Herefrom on behalf of our country and nation I express my gratitude to all those firms which showed awareness for young, women and handicapped employment. I congratulate those businessmen who entered the TOBB’s list of honour. May Allah blessed you for providing solidarity in full confidence without hesitating when our President said ‘come on’ "


- Minister of Labour and Social Security Sarıeroğlu


Minister of Labour and Social Security Jülide Sarıeroğlu stated "For the last 10 years we have provided employment for 7 million 167 thousand people in total. For all intents and purposes this is a success story, Turkey’s success story”.


Sarıeroğlu wishing for the results of Employment Forum to give a new impulse and a breath of fresh air to the country, nation and work life has underlined that experiencing difficult periods Turkey needs to be stronger and productive more than ever.


Pointing out National Employment Campaign has been started in a period where Turkey putting up historic fight in homeland and abroad and wanted to be reduced to despair, Sarıeroğlu continued as follows:


"We never sink into despair. On the contrary our Esteemed President said “it is the day to roll up the sleeves” and we announced National Employment Campaign. Thank Allah within the scope of this campaign we have provided employment for nearly 1.5 million people for the first nine months of this year. I would like to express my gratitude to our Esteemed President who put business community in motion by calling out for National Employment Campaign and enabled us for getting powerful result by the synergy he created, to our Esteemed Prime Minister who has supported us for all the works we carried out and to Union of Commerce and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey and its distinguished President. “


- Cooperation Protocol for Vocational Training and Skills Development


Subsequent to the speeches “Cooperation Protocol for Vocational Training and Skills Development” was signed by Minister of Labour and Social Security Sarıeroğlu and President of Union of Commerce and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey.


During the programme firms and provinces which provided highest employment within National Employment Campaign have been presented their awards. The provinces where firm based employment rate increased most are respectively Ardahan, Bayburt, Bingöl, Tunceli and Muş as for the provinces which achieve higher employment throughout Turkey are respectively İstanbul, Antalya, Ankara, İzmir ve Muğla.


İGA Airport Operation Inc., KMO Anadolu Highway Enterprise Inc. and BİM United Stores Inc. have been rewarded for companies achieved more employment increase. Company representatives have been presented their awards by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım.           

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