“We must make high growth pace permanent”


19.12.2017 Ankara

Speaking at TOBB Chamber of Commerce Council meeting TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu said “We should not crow over the positive outcomes that we achieved in 2017, we should pay sufficient attention to the risks. But at the same time we should not overlook the opportunities. In 2018 global growth and trade looks like to be better than this year. Accordingly we must take our share of this. We must maintain incentives for employment, production and trade. Working hand in hand public and private sectors, we can make high growth pace permanent.”

TOBB Chamber of Trade Council meeting hosted by Hisarcıklıoğlu held in Ankara also with the attendance of Minister of Custom and Trade Bülent Tüfenkci. During the speech Hisarcıklıoğlu made therein pointed out that despite all internal and external distress, Turkey proved its economic and real sector strength. Reminding that within the first 9 months 7.4 percent growth rate had been achieved, TOBB President said “Production, investment and trade volumes are in positive levels. In exportation we are urging for a historic peak point worth of 160 billion dollar. For entire 2017 we are about to achieve a growth rate such as 7 percent which will be possible for few countries in the world. Incentives and supports adopted by our Government has liven up the economy as well as the market.”


-Great success in employment


Telling that under the leadership of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan they had initiated employment campaign Hisarcıklıoğlu said that Government also provided historic employment incentives. Hisarcıklıoğlu talked as follows: “Accordingly those produced positive results. According to the latest outcomes we have additionally provided employment for 1.5 million people. Last week in Presidential Complex we have rewarded most successful provinces and companies. Thanks to our President, therein he announced new employment incentives. Now it is our goal to display similar performance in 2018 too. On the other hand raise in both interest rate and foreign currencies are forcing real sector. Central Bank has increased the interest rates by half point and also gave the indication for further increase during the following months. All those will be reflecting negative outcome for interest burden of our firms. We have faith in that all necessary supports which shall enable us to overcome this turbulent period with minimum damage, shall be provided to real sector.


In other respect side effects of some regulations are also on the carpet For example commissioning of contingent workers is a positive step in social terms. However subcontracting firms are on the verge of losing their entire businesses. Those firms have bank loans, employees. It is not apparent what their situations will be, how will they manage to carry on. Those should be provided with an alternative, a solution. There are also other problems caused by deficiencies within the regulation. For example oligopoly by few companies for lunch vouchers-cards has jammed the market. Everybody complain about current high commission rates.”


Stating that one other issue as removing of delivery order fee which is paid for Delivery Order document, Hisarcıkıloğlu said “Therefore our Ministry has taken off yet another pressure from our shoulders. But this fee still may be demanded from the firms. Therefore there is a need for evident regulations.”


On the other hand telling about the ongoing problems within touristic cities, Hisarcıklıoğlu said “During the touristic season the budgets of these cities remain incapable. Yet municipal revenues are being estimated without considering number of tourists. Depositing of tax payments within the cities where the company headquarters are located causes unfairness to for the cities baring all the burden where the real production is carried out. Share transfer from tax revenue should be regulated according to location of production and trade take place.”


-Minister of Custom and Trade Bülent Tüfenkci


Minister of Custom and Trade Bülent Tüfenkci stating that they would continue to take necessary precautions necessary for Turkey to maintain growing, also said "Allah willing year 2018 shall be better than 2017."


Tüfenkci, at his speech during TOBB Chamber of Commerce Council meeting held in Twin Towers said that Turkish economy gave confidence to domestic investors as well as foreign investors.


Pointing out that the works they carried out together with the measures taken in economy since 2002 enabled such confidence, Tüfenkci told that within the last 12-month period exportation volume had reached to 156 billion and 46 million dollars with increase of 10.3 percent.  


Reminding that growth rate in the 3rd quarter was 11.1, Tüfenkci said "Our country, by outdistancing all the countries with its performance become fastest growing economy in the 3rd quarter. Therefore it shows us the accuracy and conformability of the measures that we carried into effect for supporting SMEs and tradesmen.”


Pointing out that for the coming period they would be maintaining consistent macro-economic policy which they had been carrying out since 2002, Tüfenkci followed as:


"Turkey will maintain its growth. For that we shall continue to take necessary measurement and to give incentives. Allah willing, year 2018 shall be better than 2017. If you recall the doomy scenarios in 2016 you shall see that same ones repeated in 2017. The way Turkey, despite the villainous coup attempt and many obstacles in 2016 continued to grow and had a powerful starts to 2017, also with a powerful start in 2018 shall continue increasingly. A powerful government is in charge. Under the leadership of President, there is strong command which is capable of stepping in in the event of arising risks. Therefore no one needs to be worried."


- Deputy Minister of Finance Cengiz Yavilioğlu


Deputy Minister of Finance Cengiz Yavilioğlu told that Turley’s growth performance continued, despite the major incidents in 2016, growth rates reached to good points in 2017.

Reminding that amongst the countries of Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Turkey had the best growth rate, Yavilioğlu said "We are in a position of reaching a rate of world average. This is the result of serious work. There is a 50 percent increase in investment incentive certificates. Eventhough unemployment rate is high acessin to employment rate is rather high. With this rate we are ahead of European Union. We approached to 160 billion dollars of volume in exportation. In tourism recovery maintains comparing to the previous year.”


- TOBB Chambers of Commerce Council President Ekrem Demirtaş


TOBB Chamber of Commerce Council President Ekrem Demirtaş, stating that as well as there had been an worldwide economic recovery the political instability still remained, said "The decision of USD President Donald Trump for Kudus stirred up Middle East. Israel’s attack to Philistine still continuous. Kudus is the centre of 3 divine religions. Kudus is our red line. We are supporting every steps in relation this matter by the Government."


Mentioning that as a country a difficult period was being passed through, Demirtaş said "F,x,ng the destruction of 15th July and tackling with terrorist organisations have been major issues of Turkey’s agenda. International developments also added to that.”

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