“I invite everybody to see Cizre’s traditional and magnificent hospitality”


20.12.2017 Cizre

TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu along with Minister of Environment and Urban Planning Mehmet Özhaseki inaugurated Cizre Divan Hotel.

Giving a speech at the ceremony TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu, reminding that in 2017 they visited Cizre Chamber of Commerce and Industry together with Ministry of Environment and Urban Planning Özhaseki where they met with council members, said “At the end of 2017 again we are here in Cizre with our esteemed minister. Thanks to him, our Minister gives helping hand for every works that add value to our country, supports every pleasant activity. On behalf the region and my members, we are honoured for Esteemed Mehmet Özhaseki presence here with us.”


Stating that they made the official opening of Divan Cizre which was Cizre’s first hotel in international standards, Hisarcıklıoğlu said “First and foremost I congratulate Cizre TSO President Süleyman Çağlı who led for bringing in this nice facility to Cizre.  He trusted both himself and his city. He proved that his heart beats for CizreHe grabbed the bull by the horns and broke the new ground for Cizre. Not in the sense of grandness of the investment but also by bringing Divan – a worldwide brand to Cizre, he achieved a commendable success.”


Informing that President Çağlı ask for a school promise in Cizre, Hisarcıklıoğlu said as TOBB they would bring in a school to Cizre.


Underlining that Divan establishments being ground breaking within Turkish hotel management Hisarcıklıoğlu said “Divan Group CEO Richard Appelbaum personally attended the opening and showed us how much he care for this place. On behalf my community and myself, I thank him. Hereby I remember late laid the foundation of this facility. Mustafa Koç with respect and Allah’s compassion.”


Remarking that Divan Cizr Hotel would enable tourism and trade to liven up in Cizre, TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu said “Hereby I invite everybody to Cizre for seeing Cizre’s traditional and magnificent hospitality accompanied by the view River Dicle.”


-Minister of Environment and Urban Planning Özhaseki


Minister of Environment and Urban Planning Mehmet Özhaseki stated that as written in Evliya Çelebi’s book "Kurdish as a literary language is finest written in Diyarbakır but gentlest and kindest spoken in Cizre” and also said that Cizre is archaic city.


Stating that for 21 years he served as mayor and his achievements are as plain as day, Özhaseki said "Thank Allah that whatever Paris has my country has it too. There is neither infrastructure nor upper structure problem.  Rail system also up and running. There are ski resorts and stadiums. How did all these thing come to life? There are some people saying that 'They send money from somewhere.' 'President Abdullah Gül was also from Kayseri, he send millions of dollars which the mayor spend it.' There is no such thing. If you are in good faith, work hard, eager, strive then be sure that Allah helps.”


Stating that once he knew Şırnak, Silopi and Cizre from geography books, whereas now thanks to planning he knew them by heart to the detail of back streets as well as with their needs, Özhaseki said that in Cizre 17 thousand and 175 buildings were damaged which they paid in cash for the damages worth of 30 thousand lira and less and they also continue to pay for the amounts of belongings.


Pointing out that they started the construction of 3 thousand and 287 housings in the district, the number of demolished buildings were less however they built housings more than that, Özhaseki underlined that they started to build 3 mosques and 2 condolence places in the district and Şırnak needed for nice housings.


-Other speeches


Şırnak Governor Mehmet Aktaş said that Divan Hotel opened in Cizre would make the district more powerful and would lead to significant investment henceforth.


Aktaş, pointing out that the district being one of the significant location thanks to its historic and cultural richness spoke as follows: "This facility shall make Cizre more powerful. It will lead to significant investments henceforth. A worldwide brand such as Divan Hotel coming to our district shall upgrade our city. I wish all the best. On behalf of Şırnak people I sincerely thank our Minister who took initiative for our city to re-raise with its both infrastructure and upper structure after trench and barricade terror and also always stands by us."


TÜRKONFED President Kadooğlu as stated that they were having a proud day, also underlined that Cizre and region needed such investments.


During his speech Cizre Chamber of Commerce and Industry President Süleyman Çağlı, pointing out the importance of the investments made to Cizre, said that both Cizre and Turkey would win. Çağlı stated that the project brought Cizre out of its shell.  has broken its shell.


Next during the ceremony Çağlı presented Minister Özhaseki and Hisarcıklıoğlu with plaques.


After the ceremony Hisarcıklıoğlu and Minister Özhaseki visited the parks and housings build by Ministry of Environment and urban Planning. Next, departed for Silopi, TOBB President  Hisarcıklıoğlu and Minister Özhaseki attended there ground breaking ceremony of Silopi Şems-i Sivasi Boarding Quran Course for Girls.

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