“Full support to Operation Olive Branch by CSOs”


23.01.2018 Ankara

Representing civil society and business world 16 organisation by issuing a joint declaration stated their full support to Operation Olive Branch initiated by Turkish Armed Forces in Afrin area. On behalf of ASKON, HAK-İŞ, MEMUR-SEN, MÜSİAD, KAMU-SEN, TESK, TİM, TİSK, TOBB, TÜGİAD, TÜGİK, TÜMSİAD, TÜRK-İŞ, TÜRKONFED, TÜSİAD and TZOB TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu read out the declaration.

The joint declaration is as follows:

“Leading organisations of our country also representing civil society and business world of Turkey; as ASKON, HAK-İŞ, MEMUR-SEN, MÜSİAD, KAMU-SEN, TESK, TİM, TİSK, TOBB, TÜGİAD, TÜGİK, TÜMSİAD, TÜRK-İŞ, TÜRKONFED, TÜSİAD, TZOB, today we are here and through you addressing to both our country’s and world’s public opinion.

Turkey has taken a step in order to provide its border security as well as to remove terrorist corridor which become a threat for both Turkey and countries within the region. With the intention of re-establishing calm, safe and peace environment within the region by clearing the region from terrorist organisations, cross-border operation in Afrin has started.

We support and back up this decision which is adopted by our state in order to protect our national security. Yet, Turkey exercised the right resultant international rules.

Operation Olive Branch has been initiated within the framework of universal law and UNSC’s decisions for counter terrorism along with right of self-defence as stated in UN charter.

Territorial integrity, sovereignty and political unity of Syria is being respected for.

Therefore this operation is legitimate and complies with international law.

Everybody needs to see that we cannot be expected to remain quite towards terrorist groups which slaughtering innocent people and posing a clear danger to our country safety.

Started with Operation Euphrates Shield and proceeded with Operation Olive Branch, Turkey is robustly responding to terrorist organisations and their supporters. 

Concurrently utmost care is being paid for the protection of civils and innocents. Which we also demonstrated during Operation Euphrates Shield.

Areas once dominated by terrorism now returned back to normal, peace and calmness are arrived.

We also set stage for returning of Syrians who had to leave their homeland.

Therefor both operations initiated by Turkey has the support of Syrian immigrants and suffering local people.




We also call entire international public opinion to display a common stance against terrorism and to support our country by clearly showing their intentions for making universal human rights commanding within the region.

On the other hand we call all our citizens to watch out for possible infollution and provocations especially within social media.

Those who live in this region are our neighbours and brother-sisters.

Being the part of same civilisation, culture and belief, nobody can destroy the friendship between us based on brotherhood and neighbourhood.

Nobody can stir up trouble between us and set us against each other, cannot make enemy of each other. 

We also thank each of our 3 major political parties for the common and determined stance that they display for the national interest as they exactly did so back on 15th July.

As the civil society and business world of Turkey, we are standing by our state and hero soldiers with our prayers and whole heart.  

We wish for Allah’s mercy and grace for those soldiers who become martyr yesterday as well as all our martyrs, may rest them in peace.

May Allah protect our Robin and make our army triumphant. May Allah be our love and guide.”

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