“As a civil society, as a nation we are one-body”


27.01.2018 Kilis

13 establishment representing civil society and business world came to Kilis to show their support for Operation Olive Branch initiated by Turkish Armed Forces in region of Afrin.

Delegation of Non-Governmental Organisations included Presidents and representatives of ASKON, HAK-İŞ, MEMUR-SEN, MÜSİAD, KAMU-SEN, TESK, TİM, TOBB, TÜGİAD, TÜMSİAD, TÜRK-İŞ, Union of Turkish Bar Associations and TÜRKONFED visited Governor of Kilis Dr. Mehmet Tekinarslan.

Speaking on behalf the delegation during the press meeting held after the visit, TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu said that as civil society and business world of Turkey they stand by the state and the nation and also added “Those who live within this region are our neighbours, brothers-sisters. Nobody can stir up trouble between us and set us against each other, cannot make enemy of each other. Those who try to teach us a lesson should come and see the real humanity, kindness here.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu said the followings in his statement:

“As the leading organisations of our country also representing civil society and business world of Turkey; as ASKON, HAK-İŞ, MEMUR-SEN, MÜSİAD, KAMU-SEN, TESK, TİM, TOBB, TÜGİAD, TÜMSİAD, TÜRK-İŞ, Union of Turkish Bar Associations and TÜRKONFED, we are here today.

Turkish Armed Forces is conducting a major operation in order to clear the region off terrorist organisations and enable the peace. We are on the Syria border to show our support for our state and nation.

Within this scope, we visited our Governor of Kilis Dr. Mehmet Tekinarslan. He is successfully performing a very important task during a difficult time. We thank our Governor for accepting us.

Since the first day that armed conflicts has started in Syria, Turkey has taken a major responsibility. On one hand we are struggling against terrorist organisations such as PYD, YPG, and DAEŞ. On the other hand we are conducting diplomacy for Syria’s territorial integrity. Furthermore we are welcoming 3.5 million of Syrian fellows who were left in the middle of the war.  

Within that period our neighbouring cities to Syria also took responsibility. Here one of them is Kilis. This city has been hope for thousands of people who escaped from violence of terrorist organisations. Population of Kilis is 90 thousand, number of refugees that they welcomed is 125 thousand. In another words Kilis is hosting more quests than its population.

Nowhere in the world that you can see such similar case. Now some countries are talking through their heads concerning our operations, supposedly they attempt to teach us humanity. No one should be worried because by the nature of our belief we value the human life most. Those who live within this region are our neighbours, borther-sisters. Bu bölgede Nobody can stir up trouble between us and set us against each other, cannot make enemy of each other. Those who try to teach us a lesson should come and see the real humanity, kindness here.”

By the Operation Olive Branch responsibility of these cities have doubled. On one hand they are welcoming our soldiers. On the other hand they are resisting to fickle attacks of terrorists. During these attacks our citizens in Kilis and Hatay become martyrs. One of the martyrs in Kilis is from our business world. He was ahi. Our martyr in Kırıkhan is the member of our labourers.

As a civil society, as a nation we are one-body. During this crucial period we are here to express our condolences as well as to declare our support. In a little while we shall be visiting the mosque which got damaged by terrorist attack. Villains attacking to a mosque is the clear sign of their brutalism and lack of sentimentalism.

We will be visiting the families of our people who become martyrs in Kilis and Kırıkhan to pay our condolences. Then we shall be visiting our field hospital located on Reyhanlı and Cilvegözü border gate. Everybody must realise already that we cannot be expected to stay silent towards terrorists groups slaughtering innocent people and posing a clear treat to our country safety.

We call entire international public opinion to stop going off at a tangent and maintain a joint clear stance against terrorism. We also explain the legitimacy of this operation to our respondents abroad.

As the civil society and business world of Turkey, we are standing by our state and nation. Hereby we wish for Allah’s mercy and grace for our soldiers and citizens who become martyr, may rest them in peace. May Allah protect our Robin and make our army triumphant. May Allah be our love and guide”.

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