İbrahim Çağlar's memory will live on in TOBB


02.02.2018 İstanbul

İbrahim Çağlar Meeting Hall was opened at the TOBB Istanbul Service Building. TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu spoke at the ceremony held for the opening of the hall, which will commemorate the late TOBB Board Member İbrahim Çağlar. “It is important to have a good life and to leave behind good works. What joy if we can do this. My brother İbrahim, Allah willing, is fulfilled in this regard. A good life, good works and good sons left behind. He has left a name that is remembered with appreciation.”

TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarciklioglu pointed out that it is painful for a man to lose a loved one, saying: "We believe that we all came from God and we will return to him. May Almighty Allah grant İbrahim Çaglar of his bounteous mercy. We met in 1991. We had a 27-year-old friendship. He was the son of a respectable, entrepreneurial family. He continued his life in this line. When he was 7 years old, it was already evident that he would be a businessman of entrepreneurial character. After graduating from high school, he stepped into company life. In 1984 he became a manager and became a partner in 1985.

My brother İbraham was as successful in social lifeas he was in commercial life. He was a member of İstanbul Chamber of Commerce at every level. He started at the profession committee first. Later on, he became prominent with his parliamentary membership; as a part of the board of directors, and the parliamentary presidency. TO members, too, saw him fit to be president because of his success and vision. Since 2005, we worked together under TOBB management. In 2005, he became TOBB Treasurer of the board of directors. In 2013, he became Vice President of TOBB. We have worked together in many projects of TOBB. We are colleagues in the TOBB Education and Culture Foundation and the management of the TEPAV. We are honored to have such a friend in TOBB management as well as working side by side with him.”

- TOBB's charge

Hisarcıklıoğlu, recalling the saying, “The most beneficent of men is he who is beneficent unto others.” Hisarcıklıoğlu pointed out that İbrahim Çağlar has passed from this mortal world, leaving many charities behind. He was a successful businessman and a good son as well as patriotic and faithful. He did not have to provide, was helpful and open in social life. A good husband and father. He was emotional, but he was a person who always knew how to separate feelings and thoughts from each other. He was always at work to contribute to İstanbul, to Turkey and the community.”

TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu said that the world is a place of testing on the path to eternity; emphasizing that what is important is that the person fits as much good as they can in such a short mortal life. Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “We now want to put that into action. We will always remember him. May heaven be his abode; may he rest in the light. May Allah grant his family, loved ones and us all patience as well as the strength to endure.”

Following the ceremony, TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu presented the children of Çağlar with the original copy of the trade gazette registry of the company the departed had been a partner of for the first time in his life.

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