“It is my hope that Turkey will prototype its domestic car by 2019”


01.03.2018 Ereğli / Zonguldak

TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, participating in the Ereğli Economy Stars Award Ceremony organized by the Ereğli Chamber of Commerce and Industry, said, “We have our five braves. It is my hope that Turkey will prototype its domestic car by 2019.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu said that the Ereğli Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a five-star room, providing the same standard as the chambers of cities like Berlin and London.

Pointing out that Ereğli CCI is partnered with other chambers in Zonguldak’s Teknopark, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “They are actually investing in cities. There have been two recent changes. In the past you had to come to the chamber to get a chamber document, now that’s over. You can log into the system from your computer at home and get your certificate and ay time.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu reported that company establishment now only takes an hour, “Establishing a company was a big deal for us. Going to the notary, to the bank, go to Treasury, to the SSI, get your number, come to the chamber. Now, if you want to establish a company you can do it in an hour with all the transactions with a signature and leave the chamber after you pay the bill. Today, the cost company establishment is 650TRY whereas it used to be 2,250TRY. A quarter of what it used to be. This was achieved through our austerity measures. I thank all my chamber and exchange chairpersons in Turkey for transitioning to this system. My brother Sertan started quickly as soon as we met. In the same way as Yaşar Tetiker, Sertan speaks to us in regards to all issues, taking responsibility along with his administration. May Allah be pleased with them.”

- “We’ve found five braves for the domestic automobile”

Stating that they’ve found the five braves to produce Turkey's domestic car and Turkey, coming to the market between 2020 and 2022, Hisarcıklıoğlu said “The President has been looking for braves for 7 years. Addressing approximately 3,000 delegates during our general assembly, ‘As Union President, I give you the task, find me the braves.’ We said, 'If you stand at our back, we will do it.' We found five braves. It is my hope that Turkey will prototype its domestic car by 2019. It will be fully electric in 2020 or 2022. We compete in the same lane as the world. It will also contribute to Turkey's economic and technological transformation. Today, per capita national income is 10,000USD, our target is 25,000USD. That is 2.5 times richer than we are today.”

- “We are working to make Turkey more attractive in the ease of business index”

TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu pointed out that the index of ease of business is important for local and foreign investors; “Turkey is at a position unbecoming of its potential. We are among the world's 20 largest economies, but we rank 60th in ease of business index. Why don’t people want to be entrepreneurs? There are many obstacles to doing business. We met with our government. You will see, in 2 years Turkey will be among the top 20 countries in ease of business index. The law which was passed yesterday was revolutionary for us. There 59 countries with easier company establishment, execution, bankruptcy, construction permits, title deeds, municipal applications, tax payments than us. Hopefully this will be the law to bring Turkey into the top 20. We will no longer have to wait on the government regarding VAT returns. 140 billion TRY will be paid to us in a certain schedule. We will be able request what we are owed from the government within 3 months from the day of the announcement the legislation. If not, the government will pay interest. This is a good deal for us. But first of all applaud our MPs. We will put our country among the top 10 economies.”

- “We had 30 years of friendship with Yaşar Tetiker”

Hisarcıklıoğlu, who wished for victory to the TAF in Operation Olive Branch in Afrin and prayed for the grace of Allah upon those martyred as well as the late Ereğli CCI Chairman Yaşar Tetiker.

Hisarcıklıoğlu finished his words with: “We had a friendship of 30 years with Yaşar Tetiker. I was then a delegate, you all know Yaşar Tetiker was quite forthright. If he was right, he wouldn’t hold back his words, he said what needed to be said without conflict. We will conduct the opening of the Yaşar Tetkier Conference Hall.

The driving force of the Black Sea is Ereğli, which has agriculture, industry and tourism. The iron industry is here, shipbuilding is here, fishing is here, Ottoman strawberries are here. How did Zonguldak start 2018? Official government figures show 35% increase from 2017 to 2018, in regards to the number of companies opened in Turkey. Exports increased by 116% in Zonguldak. This is 2018. It's not the end of the year. Today Ereğlil has one company in 4,000 largest companies of Turkey. 43% of the country's steel needs are met by Ereğli alone. Ereğli is a shining star. This is the success that befits Ereğli. They want a new port. When we talked with our Transportation Minister, the work is now left to the public institutions. We will open them, too, Allah willing. Ereğli's greatest demand, in fact, Zonguldak's greatest demand, is a new incentive system. There are differences when compared to Düzce. Actually, we are doing a study on this. Instead of provincial-based incentives, district-based incentives should be considered. Our state has in fact accepted it on principle. However, there is need for some additional data. We are trying to provide all kinds of contributions and support as TOBB. Ereğli lacks a university. Would that not suit Ereğli?”

Hisarcıklıoğlu visited the Ereğli Chamber of Commerce and Industry after the ceremony and conducted the opening of the conference hall dedicated to the late former President Yaşar Tetiker.

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