“Hisarcıklıoğlu met with Kütahya TSO Council Members”


20.01.2018 Kütahya

Meeting up with Kütahya Chamber of Commerce and Industry Council Members TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, pointing out that presidents of Kütahya and Afyonkarahisar chambers/exchanges were together, said “I congratulate you all for this unity. Development and productiveness is in this unity.”

Reminding that they laid the foundation of the investment which had been made by Nafi Güral and his family when darks clouds were on the horizon for Turkey after 15th July villainous coup attempt, Hisarcıklıoğlu also stated that investment mean a great deal and it was not a job even for every brave fellow.

Hisarcıklıoğlu said that crisis also introduce opportunities. Stating that 2017 resulted better than they anticipated for, Hisarcıklıoğlu said “In the first 9 months we achieved a 7.4 % growth. This was enabled by the private sector. Industrial growth is 3 times of last year. During the final quarter fast increase also achieved in investments. Exportation volume pressed upon 160 billion dollars. Decrease in tourism picked up. It re-exceeded to 30 million.  You, as Chambers-Exchanges trigger this success story.”

Pointing out that in the beginning of 2017 market was short of cash, economy came to a standstill, Hisarcıklıoğlu said “In order to pave the way for the market money transfer to the market was necessary. Almost all of 365 chambers-exchanges pooled all the collected service charges. We provided our members with breathing credit. They ask ‘what do chamber-exchanges do?’ We, TOBB and chambers/exchanges are the organisations which provide cheap credit to our members. We said that we want KOSGEB’s interest-free credit from our government. We obtained 1 year non-payment 3-year term credit. 290 firms benefitted from this interest-free credit. Then they also accepted our request for increasing pledge amount via Credit Guarantee Fund. By means of these three mechanism we have reached out to 68 percent of our members in total. We stand security for our every one of 2 members of ours in Kütahya. Thus market started to move. This is what lies behind 7.4 percent of growth.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu said that thanks to 2d-barcoded cheque, last in Turkey bounced cheque rate reduced by 44 percent and 46 percent in Kütahya. karekodlu

TOBB President underlined the work of chambers /exchanges as to produce projects and ideas to submit those to the government and procure acceptance and so to pave the way for private sector.

Stating that in August a revolutionary law had been introduced, Hisarcıklıoğlu said “By the industry reform package many benefits came forward for our businessmen. TRT contribution in electricity is over now. OSB property tax, revenue stamp is abolished. 1 billion of burden that we pay annually has been weighted off our shoulders. Service charge paid by our members – living members is less than one-fourth of that. In trade, there is no such earing as one-to-four. We got occupational safety specialist obligation for business employing less than 50 people postponed. We used have losses in the courts with our labourers.  We used to lose 99.2 percent of the court cases. We also produced a project in this context. Arbitration mechanism become effective. By means of arbitration matters are being resolved.”


Stating that they made 2 commitments to the state Hisarcıklıoğlu said one of that was Employment Campaign which as a result of those employment incentives they provided 1.5 million additional employment in 2017 and the second one was Turkey manufacturing its own automobile which with the effort of TOBB they presented 5 brave fellows for that.

TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu, giving the news for they would get a school build in Kütahya, said “You asked me to promise you a school. We will build a school in Kütahya. If Allah predestine for, we will be commencing in the districts.”

-KUTSO President Güral

KUTSO President Nafi Güral reflected the expectations concerning the members and requests of Kütahya.

Stating that micro and small business in Turkey need to be scaled up and expanded to become medium and large scale business, Güral pointed out that such effort had great importance for economic development.

Güral underlined the support expectation from TOBB in this respect.

Nafi Güral presented information about the matters amongst works carried out for Kütahya by KUTSO such as bringing TOBB ETÜ Faculty and Vocational High Schoolas a second university to the city, setting up a free trade zone, having high investment advantages for new investments. 

Expressing his appreciation for the support provided by TOBB for those conducted works, Güral underlined his trust for continuation of that support.

Telling that principal element for the development of the city is the work of six factors, Nafi Güral, defining those six factors as public,non-governmental organizations, universities, local governments, politics and press, said that works intended to increase such cooperation in Kütahya were being conducted.

-KUTSO Council President Özotraç

KUTSO Council President İsmet Özotraç share information regarding investments in Kütahya and developments in organised industrial zones. 

Reflecting the request for launching flights from/to Zafer Regional Airport to/from various cities and regions particularly such as Trabzon, Şanlıurfa, Gaziantep, Van, Diyarbakır, and Erzurum Özotraç also stated the expectation for TOBB’s support, before the high state officials, for actualisation of such request which was also important for tourism by improving communication and cooperation between provinces.   

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