“Our goal is to be among the top 10 economies”


07.03.2018 Van

TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “We have raised our country to the position of 17th largest economy in the world and now we have a goal to become one of the top 10, 2.5 times richer.”

Participating in the Van and counties Trade and Industry Chamber - Commodity Exchanges Joint Meeting, Hisarcıklıoğlu stated they stand united with all the chambers and the commodity exchange chairs in Turkey and are at peace.


Hisarcıklıoğlu emphasized that members can now do all kinds of transactions on their computers without going to the chamber and commodity exchange with the new system in which members who used to go door to door during company establishments can now complete the establishment transactions from a single chamber.


- “We’ve vouched for 681,000 companies”


Pointing out that, in order to enable their members to access finances, they vouched for 50 members in Van, Hisarcıklıoğlu went on:


“The number of companies we are vouching for regarding their interest-free credit in Turkey are 681,000. What other institution does this? We held an economy summit with the President at the beginning of 2017. We told President Erdoğan that we were the employment tax burden champion of the world. Being one of us, he of course asked us what we would offer in return for lowered taxes on employment. He asked that we create more jobs. We have created a million and a half jobs. No other country would be able to do so in the world. A total of 26,000 jobs in Van. Van is 9th province in employment numbers in Turkey. On New Years’, we held an award ceremony wit the President and asked that the various support mechanisms for employment continue. For each employee that we hire this year we will pay the net minimum wage of 1,60TRY and the government will pay the whole of the tax -this is a great reform.”


Hisarcıklıoğlu, Turkey is ranked the ease of doing business index and noting that the sixtieth that suit them, Turkey is world champion in growth in the fourth quarter, he said that thanks to entrepreneurs realized.


TOBB President explaining that they are doing extensive studies in the Coordination Council for Improvement of Investment Environment with the Ministers in regards to the issues reported by the business community, said, “We are among the world's 20 largest economies, but we rank 60th in ease of business index. Why don’t people want to be entrepreneurs? There are many obstacles to doing business. We met with our government. You will see, in 2 years Turkey will be among the top 20 countries in ease of business index. The law which was passed yesterday was revolutionary for us. There 59 countries with easier company establishment, execution, bankruptcy, construction permits, title deeds, municipal applications, tax payments than us. Hopefully this will be the law to bring Turkey into the top 20.”


Hisarcıklıoğlu warned that none should be alienated due to their ethnicity, political view or differing opinions, “We have raised our country to the position of 17th largest economy in the world and now we have a goal to become one of the top 10, 2.5 times richer. I see it as someone who travels every province. For that, peace must rule in our country. Without peace there is no trade, without trade there is no prosperity.”

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