Hisarcıklıoğlu requests free zone, logistic village and railway for Hopa


09.03.2018 Hopa / Artvin

TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu participating in the opening and consultation meeting of the new service building of Hopa Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Hopa CCI), and, on behalf of the Hopa business community, he asked for the establishment of a free zone in Hopa Harbor, the establishment of a logistic village and the completion of the Hopa-Batum railway project.

Speaking at the opening and consultation meeting hosted by Hopa CCI President Osman Akyürek, TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu said Hopa and Artvin would be a completely different place if the free zone, logistic village and railway projects were completed.


Hisarcıklıoğlu said that a few days ago was Artvin's 97th liberation anniversary from enemy invasion, stating that, “This is why we remember our ancestors, once more with gratitude.” He prayed for the grace of Allah upon the martyred Mehmetçik in the ongoing Operation Olive Branch in Afrin.


Hisarcıklıoğlu said that the way to become a brand city was through unity and cooperation. “I see this unity and solidarity in Hopa. The door to Caucasus and Central Asia for Turkey opens here. Green, blue, with great natural beauty and an important tourism center; the cleanest air is already here. An important agricultural center with tea, hazelnuts, corn and kiwi production. With its harbor and Sarp Border Gate, it is an important logistic center and junction point.”


- Sarp Border Gate renovation


Reporting that TOBB is renovating the Sarp Border Gate, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “At the moment the gate is processing 7 million passengers and 1 million vehicles. When the renovation is over, the capacity will be doubled. The Cankurtaran Tunnel between Hopa and Borca has been opened. Now we also have an airport on the sea. The transport connectivity of Artvin with internally and with its neighboring provinces will become even more robust.”


Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that Hopa CCI provides 5-star service to its members as an accredited chamber and said, “We have opened the new service building. The most modern serviced residences of the counties and provinces are boasted by our rooms and commodity exchanges. You are preparing to take the geographical marker of the famous Laz pastry. İŞKUR service point is active at the chamber. You are providing foreign trade, tourism, finance and entrepreneurship training. To support our exporters, we provide 24-hour transit service. You are continuing to work for an OIZ in Hopa. Look, these are a matter of vision. It shows that the chamber and its chairman are investing in Hopa’s and Artvin's future. From the President to the Management, from the Council to the women and young entrepreneurs, from the Secretary General to all our employees, may Allah bless you for it.”


Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that they worked together with Osman Akyürek in Ankara. “Chairman Osman always does his part for the development and enrichment of Hopa. He is a member of the TOBB Tax Commission. We also benefit from his knowledge at TOBB. On this count, he keeps your pulse, we identify your troubles and to address them in the best way possible.”


Hisarcıklıoğlu provided information on 2 issues they’ve collaborated with the Hopa CCI on; the online document and company establishment 'one stop office' project.


- What was accomplished last year


Hisarcıklıoğlu, in regards to what TOBB and the chambers community has been doing in the for the past year, underlined that they are doing very important things in financing. Stressing that that they provided 8 billion TRY to 290,000 companies with 9.9% interest under the Respite Credits, Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that KOSGEB also provided loans to 290,000 companies with a 0-interest, 3-year maturity and that as Credit Guarantee Fund, they are guarantors for 364,000 companies for 221 billion TRY. TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu reported that a total of 681,000 companies were reached in Turkey, with 234bn TRY provided in finances.


Hisarcıklıoğlu pointed out that the cost employment is the most important complaint of the business world, and thanks to the mobilization of employment initiated to this end, the Turkish private sector has provided 1.5 million additional jobs. The TOBB President also said that Bursa kept its word and provided additional 1.3 employment people per company. Hisarcıklıoğlu underlined the importance of incentives provided as a part of the employment mobilization. “The monthly minimum wage support of 100 TL will continue in 2018. When you hire someone, new premium and tax is covered by the state. You will only pay salary. So 1,600 TL is from you, 800 TL is tax + premium. Incentives will be in full force for 3 years. In the meantime, remember to request your retroactive incentives.”


As a part of the Industry-First Reform Package, the 2% TRT tax, OIZ property tax and stamp tax have been, amount to a total of 1 billion TRY in costs saved for the business community. Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that under the leadership of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the Turkish business community has undertaken the task of producing the.


Hisarcıklıoğlu said: “At our 73rd General Assembly, the President of the Republic of Turkey call upon us, to find the brave entrepreneurs among TOBB to build the domestic car. We said ‘If you stand with us, we will do it.’ We’ve been working busily with the Minister of Industry to be ready to reveal the 5 braves. We announced them together with our President. Now the provinces are competing to have the factory set up there. This will be decided according to feasibility results. I hope the first prototype will emerge in 2019. In 2021, commercial sales will also begin.”


TOBB President explaining that they are doing extensive studies in the Coordination Council for Improvement of Investment Environment with the Ministers in regards to the issues reported by the business community, said, “We are among the world's 20 largest economies, but we rank 60th in ease of business index. Why don’t people want to be entrepreneurs? There are many obstacles to doing business. We met with our government. You will see, in 2 years Turkey will be among the top 20 countries in ease of business index. The law which was passed yesterday was revolutionary for us. There 59 countries with easier company establishment, execution, bankruptcy, construction permits, title deeds, municipal applications, tax payments than us. Hopefully this will be the law to bring Turkey into the top 20. We will no longer have to wait on the government regarding VAT returns. 140 billion TRY will be paid to us in a certain schedule. We will be able request what we are owed from the government within 3 months from the day of the announcement the legislation. If not, the government will pay interest. This is a good deal for us. But first of all applaud our MPs. We will put our country among the top 10 economies.


Are there no problems at all? Of course there are. But we have the will and the power to overcome all of them. Look, we've made a lot of improvements by acting in unity and solidarity. Problems are not solved by fighting. It is solved by dialogue and common cause. Grace and prosperity in unity; anguish in dissent. I am deeply convinced that you will have an election process worthy of my community in April. The election will end and the winner as well as their competition will work together shoulder to shoulder again.


- Positive response to the request of a Maritime High School


Hisarcıklıoğlu responded positively to Hopa CCI President Osman Akyürek’s request for a Maritime High School for the district and stated that they want to build schools in all counties after completing the 81 schools in 81 provinces project.

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