“Manisa is the center of agriculture and industry”


13.03.2018 Manisa

TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu attended the Manisa Business Community Joint Consultation Meeting organized by the Manisa Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Manisa Commodity Exchange.

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that it is his 19th visit to city of princes, Manisa.


Stating that Manisa is a brand city, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “The reason for that is unity and solidarity. Manisa is one of the most important cities in our history. From Fatih, to Kanuni; from Selim III to Murat III, it is the province where princes were brought up. Evliya Çelebi said of Manisa’s people are artful, opinionated, faithful and worldly.”


Hisarcıklıoğlu emphasized that Manisa is the center of agriculture and industry. “Manisa is the place where the most home appliances and televisions are produced in one place in the world. Manisa is also working to become one of the first provinces to transition to industry 4.0. 2nd in exports in 2017 after the Izmir in the Aegean Region. More than 50% of Turkey's Manisa raisin production. Manisa is one of our most important provinces in Turkey in regards to olive oil and olives. The Manisa mesir paste has been placed on the UNESCO list of world heritage.”


The TOBB President said that Manisa has great potential not only in industry and agriculture but also in health tourism.


Manisa is in third place with geothermal energy installed power and emphasized that the opening of Sabuncubeli Tunnel will lead to faster access to Izmir.


Referring to Manisa's economic figures, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “In 2017, the number of active business establishments increased by 8%, the number of employees increased by 11% and exports increased by 38%, beating the national average. There are 24 industrial organizations which made the ISO 500 list in Manisa.”


Hisarcıklıoğlu explained that the Manisa Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Commodity Exchange are accredited and that they provide 5-star services to their members.


Hisarcıklıoğlu reminded that MANSISO CCI and CE are operating an İŞKUR service point. “Defense industry cluster is being established with the support of our chambers in Manisa and surrounding areas. The exchange is registering the Manisa Sultaniye grape as a geographically marked product. These are a matter of vision. The chamber and exchange are investing in Manisa's future.”


Hisarcıklıoğlu, in regards to what TOBB and the chambers community has been doing in the for the past year, underlined that they are doing very important things in financing. Stressing that that they provided 8 billion TRY to 290,000 companies with 9.9% interest under the Respite Credits, Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that KOSGEB also provided loans to 290,000 companies with a 0-interest, 3-year maturity and that as Credit Guarantee Fund, they are guarantors for 364,000 companies for 221 billion TRY. TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu reported that a total of 681,000 companies were reached in Turkey, with 234bn TRY provided in finances.


Pointing out that they are about to complete the preparations for the Product Specialization Exchange project, the TOBB President said, “The foundation of the Product Specialization Stock is built on our licensed warehouses. You will be able to buy and sell the product notes you buy from licensed warehouse on the Product Specialization Commodity Exchange. Just like Exchange Istanbul. This is a commodity exchange. With the Product Specialized Exchange, prices of agricultural and livestock products will be determined in our country.”


Hisarcıklıoğlu pointed out that the cost employment is the most important complaint of the business world, and thanks to the mobilization of employment initiated to this end, the Turkish private sector has provided 1.5 million additional jobs. Hisarcıklıoğlu underlined the importance of incentives provided as a part of the employment mobilization. “The monthly minimum wage support of 100 TL will continue in 2018. When you hire someone, new premium and tax is covered by the state. You will only pay salary. So 1,600 TL is from you, 800 TL is tax + premium. Incentives will be in full force for 3 years. In the meantime, remember to request your retroactive incentives.”


The TOBB President, explaining that they are doing extensive studies in the Coordination Council for Improvement of Investment Environment with the Ministers in regards to the issues reported by the business community, said, “We are among the world's 20 largest economies, but we rank 60th in ease of business index. Why don’t people want to be entrepreneurs? There are many obstacles to doing business. We met with our government. You will see, in 2 years Turkey will be among the top 20 countries in ease of business index. The law which was passed yesterday was revolutionary for us. There 59 countries with easier company establishment, execution, bankruptcy, construction permits, title deeds, municipal applications, tax payments than us. Hopefully this will be the law to bring Turkey into the top 20. We will no longer have to wait on the government regarding VAT returns. 140 billion TRY will be paid to us in a certain schedule. We will be able request what we are owed from the government within 3 months from the day of the announcement the legislation. If not, the government will pay interest. This is a good deal for us. But first of all applaud our MPs. We will put our country among the top 10 economies.


Are there no problems at all? Of course there are. But we have the will and the power to overcome all of them. Look, we've made a lot of improvements by acting in unity and solidarity. Problems are not solved by fighting. It is solved by dialogue and common cause. Grace and prosperity in unity; anguish in dissent.”


- Other speakers


Manisa Chamber of Commerce and Industry Chair Adnan Erbil stated that Manisa is the production center of the industry with its geographical conditions and state support.


With a 2017 export figure of 4bn USD, Manisa ranks 8th in Turkey, noted Erbil, stating that the volume of exports and imports is 7bn USD.


Pointing out that the historic development of the domestic automobile has started, Adnan Erbil said, “I would like propose this: Come, let's produce the domestic car in Manisa. Manisa’s infrastructure and technology are ready for it.”


Manisa Commodity Exchange Chair Sadık Özkasap said that the agricultural-based industrial products directly contributed to offsetting national current deficit, saying “The variety of products exported is a strength of Manisa. 85% of seedless raisins are made for European countries. In 2017, we registered 2.64bn TRY of product. Agriculture-based trade has exceeded of 7.5bn TRY.”


At the end of the program, the ribbon for the TOBB Bülent Koşmaz Fen Lisesi, built by TOBB, was cut.

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