“Akhisar is the first place to come to mind when it comes to olives”


13.03.2018 Manisa

TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu spoke at a consultation meeting organized by the Akhisar Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Commodity Exchange, stating that they had come to Akhisar for good works, “Akhisar has laid the foundation for CCI's central bazaar development project. We have conducted the opening of Donbaycıoğlu Han Branch of Akhisar CE. I thank the chamber and exchange for taking ownership of Akhisar’s history as their social responsibility project.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “We salute the to the heroes of nation in Afrin, who put their lives on the line for our peace and security of our country. We commemorate our martyred soldiers with gratitude. May Allah preserve our soldiers and grant us victory.”

Stating that Akhisar is the first place to come to mind when it comes to olives, the TOBB President said, “Before, Akhisar was known as a tobacco production center; now it is Turkey's biggest olive and olive oil production center. We have 14 million olive trees. 30% of table olives and 70% of green olives grow here. Turkey's first and only Olive and Olive Oil Derivatives Specialized OIZ was founded in Akhisar. Akhisar is also a pioneer in agriculture and livestock-based industry. Agriculture is working on 4.0 for more widespread use of technology in agriculture. On the other hand, Akhisar Belediyespor is competing fighting in the Super League.”

Stating that Akhisar needs an airport, Hisarcıklıoğlu reminded that Akhisar demands a university demand, “We will give all available support in Ankara.”

Akhisar CCI and CE are undertaking good works for Akhisar said Hisarcıklıoğlu and went on, “The chamber and commodity exchange are both accredited, providing 5-stars service to their members. Akhisar meatballs, Domat and Uslu olives have geographical markers. Now it's Domat and Uslu Olive Oil. You are working hard to increase the consumption of olive oil per person. This is indispensable for the future of this nation. The healthiest oil is olive oil. The Chamber and Exchange are working together to increase awareness in society by organizing the Olive Harvest Festival.”

Referring to the innovations they’ve made in regards to two requests of the chamber / commodity exchange community, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “Members demanded service without coming to the chamber / commodity exchange. In this regard, a digital transformation has taken place. You can do all paperwork from your home or office without coming to the chamber / commodity exchange. In addition, our chambers have become one-stop-shops. All company establishment operations will take place in our Chambers. We reduced the cost from 2,250TRY to 650TRY.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu said that as a result of their work, the producers can now store their products in licensed warehouses free of charge and that the transport of the product to warehouse will be covered by the state.

Explaining that they are about to complete the establishment of the Product Specialized Commodity Exchange, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “You will be able to buy and sell electronic product certificates in the Product Specialized Commodity Exchange. Just like Borsa Istanbul. This is a commodity exchange. The owner of the note is the property owner. We are also renewing the registration software in our chambers. Now it becomes possible to register from your workplace, from your mobile, from the internet. The new system will also work with all institutions. You will not have to visit the institution.”

TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu laid the foundations for the Akhisar CCI Central Bazaar Development Project before the meeting and opened the Akhisar CE Donbaycıoğlu Branch Office.

Akhisar CE Chair Alper Alhat gave information about the work of the commodity exchange.

Akhisar CCI Chair Abdurrahman Yilmaz gave information about their work and projects.

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