Hisarcıklıoğlu's advice to the youth in Zile


17.03.2018 Tokat

TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, participating in Tokat Zile TOBB Sakarya Anatolian High School Opening Ceremony, stated that they built a primary school for Tokat in 1998 as TOBB and said, “The way to establish unity and solidarity is through education. Every investment you make in business has a risk. You invest and you either profit or you make a loss. But there is only one investment that you will never make a loss when you make it. That's the investment in education. There’s always profit in education. The city will profit, the country will profit, you will profit. Moreover, you will profit in this world and in the next.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu started by praying for the grace of Allah upon those martyred for the sake of patriotism in Operation Olive Branch in Afrin. Referring to the 103rd Anniversary of Çanakkale Victory, Hisarcıklıoğlu pointed out that Tokat, is the home of the 15s who walked to martyrdom in Çanakkale. “We commemorate with eternal gratitude the Tokatlı 15's and all Çanakkale martyrs. May the grace of Allah be upon them.”

Stating that TOBB is building an Anatolian High School with the support of 7 Chambers and Exchanges in Tokat, the TOBB President informed them that in 1905, the first school opened in Zile, the Zincirli Süfla School, during the reign of Abdülhamit II, “The school building was used as an infirmary during World War I. With the victory of the War of Independence, this school was given the name 'Sakarya'. The Sakarya School has been operating for many years and has since collapsed. While we have been working for our country with the same spirit and the same excitement since 1915, we wanted to keep the name of ‘Sakarya" in the old school which is located in this area in our new school. That's why we named our school Tokat Zile TOBB Sakarya Anatolian High School.”

- The biggest capital is educated people

Hisarcıklıoğlu said that the biggest capital of some countries is underground resources. “But our educated people are our biggest capital,” he said. Hisarcıklıoğlu went on, “We need more educated and qualified people for the future of our country. This Anatolian High School which we opened here today will bring up successful young people who both Tokat and our country need. I hope that our young people who will graduate from this Anatolian High School will be both scholars and entrepreneurial young people who make inventions. When I was young, my grandfather said, 'Stop inventing stuff.' But now it's time to invent. During our generation, Turkey has transitioned into a medium-technology industry from an agrarian country. I hope this new generation will transform our country into a high-tech country. I believe in it from the heart. Because I see this excitement and determination in our young people. Here, as adults, we need to prepare the infrastructure and support mechanisms they need. This Anatolian High School will present this infrastructure to our young inventive entrepreneurs.”

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