Establishing a company now much easier


18.03.2018 Ankara

Bureaucratic obstacles cluttering company establishment have been removed with costs and procedures being brought down to a minimum. The establishment process of a company will now be carried out at trade registry offices, which are operated only in chambers and designed as 'one-stop-offices'. TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu stated Turkey would be among the top 10 ranking of the World Bank company registration processes following these reforms.

Under the coordination of Recep Akdağ, Deputy Prime Minister Responsible for the Economy, the regulations that ended the bureaucracy in company establishments entered into effect thanks to the works carried out as a part of YOIKK’s endeavors. Trade registry offices operating under Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) chambers have become one-stop-shops for company establishment. Entrepreneur who want to establish a company will be able to handle all business from one point. TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu emphasized that they are trying to remove obstacles for entrepreneurs to enter business life, “We do not want to destroy the appetites of entrepreneurs who will engage risk, produce employment and generate added value with high costs and unnecessary procedures. We laid the problems on the table regarding this issue and shared our suggestions with the government. A very important step was taken with the law issued as a part of the road map determined with the support of our Deputy Prime Minister Recep Akdağ.”

-Turkey will enter into the top 10 world ranking

Hisarcıklıoğlu reported that Turkey is currently ranked 80th in the World Bank's company establishment procedures and said Turkey would enter into the top 10 with this reform. The TOBB President thanked President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım, Deputy Prime Minister Recep Akdağ and Minister of Customs and Commerce Bülent Tüfenkci for their support in this important reform.

- 'One click, one stop' concept instead of long transactions

Stating that registration procedures would be conducted at the trade registry directorates of chambers, TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu spoke about the work which was completed and the process, “There were long transactions to establish a company. Company contract would be created via MERSİS. The capital block and the Competition Authority share would be paid at the bank. Signatures and signature declarations would be notarized. Registration and announcement procedures were carried out at the chamber. Opening of trade ledgers would be notarized. Start-of-business papers filled out at trade registry directorates would be sent to tax offices awaiting inspection. The inspecting officer would only occasionally be able to carry out the procedure the next day or even a week later depending on the work intensity. When approved, the tax identification number would be formed, allowing invoices to be issued and commercial activity to be commenced. In addition, the organization notification form had to be sent to SSI; this notification form was also sent to the trade registry office on paper, and the trade registry office would transfer it to the SSI within 10 days. All these processes are now in the past. The new era is very different. Our government has revealed a strong will for resolving the problems we encounter. The company establishment procedure which consisted of eight parts was reduced to just one procedure.

With the changes, the person only needs to log into MERSİS and visit the chamber.

Via this One Click, One Stop the company will be established, becoming a legal entity, registered for tax and social security registration, with its commercial ledgers having been approved as well as its chamber registration being completed.

- Goal is to have all procedures be online

Hisarcıklıoğlu said that the ultimate goal of the company establishment reform is to be able to establish a company electronically and all company transactions be carried out online. He noted that TOBB has duties assigned to it by law and that they are working with the Ministry of Customs and Trade as a part of their duties.

“We had to reduce the procedures and costs if we wanted to encourage foreign investors and domestic entrepreneurs," said the TOBB President, stating that all of the best practices in the world are shaped by the principle of 'finalizing the transactions in one point'.

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