“If our legal system is strong, our economy will be strong”


26.03.2018 Konya

Speaking in the opening ceremony of KTO Karatay University School of Law TOBB Building, TOBB President Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that they are proud to open the School of Law Building, the construction of which TOBB contributed to, in Karatay University in Konya, Turkey's star city.

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that Karatay University is the current body of Karatay Madrasa, founded in 1251. “I am proud of the achievements of Karatay University as an old member of its board of trustees. I would also like to congratulate you making the movie ‘Direniş Karatay,’ a reality. Our university has shown its difference quickly. There are new and unique fields of study for our country such as Islamic Economy and Islamic Finance, as well as Energy Management. With its visionary management and quality academic staff, it continues every year to grow and develop.”

Stating that law has a special place in our culture and beliefs, the TOBB President said, “We are a nation that believes justice is the foundation of state. The principle of ‘Sustain the people, sustain the state,’ which defends the rights of the individual has emerged from these lands. Today we all know that if the legal system works well, the confidence of society increases. The more confident people and institutions are, the better and fair the economy is. So, like water and bread, law is a fundamental need. If our legal system is strong, our economy will be strong.

The fact that developed countries have reached the present level has a big share in their concept of the rule of law. Taking legal education is seen as a privilege in itself.

In fact, we have similar experiences with our past. ‘The Laws of Fatih,’ which is the first Constitution of the Ottoman Empire, was prepared as the infrastructure for the transition to empire from a regional kingdom. Later, the law books which gave the title ‘Kanuni’ (The Lawmaker) to Sultan Süleyman, transformed the Ottoman into a world state.”

Stating that justice is like the pole star, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “It stands firm in place and everything else turns upon it. Our greatest wish and desire is that the law works in the best way possible. Those who will ensure this are lawyers. Because the law has a language and it is the written legislation. But there is also a spirit. It is the lawyers who understand and translate it to us and will guide us. That is why it is very important to give law education and to educate lawyers. I hope our youth who graduate from here will be among the architects of a stronger legal system.”

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