Hisarcıklıoğlu evaluated growth figures


29.03.2018 Ankara

TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu evaluated growth figures for 2017. Expressing that Turkey has garnered high praise around the world with its annual growth rate of 7.4%; Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “We are the fastest growing country of G20; we ranked 2nd among the OECD. Growth figures give morale to our country and are a source of hope and confidence for the business world.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu included the following in his assessment:

“We will not apologize to rating agencies and international institutions for the inconvenience we have caused by proving their negative expectations and estimates false!

We turned a deaf ear to all these falsehoods and looking forward, we have written a new success story. Against all the adversity we’ve encountered, despite the economic and political obstacles which occurred, Turkish entrepreneurs have once again proved what they can do and how dynamic and productive Turkey is to the world.

With this high growth; Turkey showed that, she can overcome all obstacles through cooperation between the private sector and government, sending a very strong message to the world.

The historic financing, employment and production support enabled through the negotiations of our government with the business community; TOBB Respite Credits lead by our Chamber/Commodity Exchanges community as well as the Credit Guarantee Fund providing 250bn TRY surety for the real sector ensured that the gears of the economy kept turning.

Last year, we said that those trusting in Turkey would profit. Indeed, our country did not disappoint those who trusted in her.

The ones who trusted Turkey and continued to invest and produce have won and will continue to win in the future.

Turkey will continue to achieve its objectives and to march towards becoming a global power.

As the Turkish business community; we are committed to continue this growth with more production, investment, employment and exports for a stronger economy and a stronger Turkey.

If this is supported with the bringing the inflation and interest rates down to single digits, it will be possible for our country's growth to accelerate even further and to rise from the middle income level to upper income level.

We are proud of all the manufacturers, entrepreneurs, merchants and our industrialists enhancing Turkey and of all the Chambers and Commodity Exchanges which are the essential services and support centers of them and I congratulate them all. I would also like to thank our government and the economy management for being the driving force in this growth with the reforms they have enacted in our business world.”

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