​TOBB, a role model for the world


01.05.2013 Ankara

The TOBB Financial General Assembly took place at the TOBB University of Economy and Technology. Speaking at the General Assembly, TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that TOBB is the private sector’s strength, born of its unity and said, “Thanks to this tradition which is an example both Turkey and the world, our Chamber and Exchange structure is being shown as an example to all of the countries in our region by the OECD.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “Do you know what they say abroad? If you want the private sector in your country to develop; if you want capital to be spread at the base; if you want the society to become more democratic, there’s your example: establish a Chamber and Exchange structure similar to the one in Turkey.”

Stating that they will never be bound to mental chains, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “Whatever is the best and the most beautiful will be in this country. We used to look upon other countries with envy, now we have become a country which is envied. Our Chambers and Exchanges are role models for the whole region. You have shown this. We have never relinquished our values while achieving our goal. We have never turned our backs on our culture. In light of those values, we have acted in the most contemporary manner.”

Emphasizing the importance they put on arbitration, Hisarcıklıoğlu drew attention to the fact that they’ve opened hearts and minds to different thoughts.

In his message at the TOBB Financial General Assembly, Hisarcıklıoğlu said:

“First of all, as it is May 1st, Labor and Solidarity Day, I congratulate our worker brothers. As members of a civilization which holds labor and the sweat of one’s brow sacred; one in which fair distribution is fundamental, I wish for the prosperity, health and happiness of all laborers.

Dear friends,

This year, we are experiencing a different General Assembly. Today, we are holding our Financial General Assembly which we are legally obligated to hold in the month of May. In addition, Chamber-Exchange elections in 81 provinces and 160 counties are about to commence so you must be returning to your cities.

You have asked us to keep the General Assembly slim and finish it quickly because of the elections. As per your requests, we are holding our General Assembly among our community, in the family.

We see that a record number of candidates are running for Chamber-Exchange elections this year. Both in profession councils and council memberships, there is great competition. This is the most concrete evidence of how well you do your jobs and increase the value of your positions.

I believe that we will complete this process with maturity befitting of our community. Together, we will experience the beauty of democracy again. It is my hope that the Chamber and Exchange elections are beneficent for our cities, community and country. Hopefully in August, our electoral General Assembly will once again be held with a large attendance, a wide protocol and great joy.

Precious friends,

We have just viewed a video detailing the services we provide with your efforts and labor. All of these activities are masterpieces of you, the brains and the backbone of our community. I congratulate you all and present to you my endless gratitude.

I would like to take this opportunity to also thank the President of the Republic, the Speaker of the Grand National Assembly, the Prime Minister, the Ministers, our Grand National Assembly and political parties for their support. I congratulate the bureaucrats who worked with us. We have come together as the public and private sector and actualized many projects.

Minister Hayati Yazıcı has always been beside us throughout our work. He has given us strength and courage with his vision; he has opened the way for us. We reap the rewards for working in unison. With the vision and contributions of our Minister, revolutionary steps have been taken in regards to the Trade Law and NACE. I would like to thank him and his colleagues individually.

Dear friends,

Chambers and Exchanges is the only organization with the authority to represent all domestic and foreign, big and small, all entrepreneurs, traders, industrialists, tourism workers and contractors. I proudly declare that the TOBB community you have formed has become the strength of the private sector born of unity.

We have become one, become big and lively; our voices, loud. We have overcome obstacles in unison; blazed new trails. We have never discriminated under this roof. We have listened to every voice, to every idea with great excitement.

We have stayed true to the counsel that ‘arbitration is tradition’. We have always kept the door of arbitration and dialogue open. Thanks to this, every faction of society, every idea and perception has found opportunity for representation. We have kept our hearts and minds open to different voices and ideas. We have embraced all colors of the country.

Thanks to you, we have become the voice and heart of Anatolia. The pulse of Anatolia is kept here. Active and dynamic, TOBB has become an effective translator for the feelings, wants and dreams of Anatolia.

This is how the largest umbrella organization of Turkey has come about. We have become a large family, boosting the confidence of the country, one whose opinions are sought. We have accomplished this together. We know that with great power comes great responsibility. We have always acted with this knowledge in mind.

We’ve talked about unity and solidarity. We have pioneered change and transformation. We have not surrendered to problems. We have not focused on negativity. We’ve provided ideas, thoughts and inspiration. We have shown the whole world what this nation can do.

Today, in every field, we are capable of competing with everyone. In the last ten years, our national income has increased by 63% with the help of the private sector. The private sector provided five million additional jobs during this time. Our exports increased by four times while our income from tourism increase by three times. We made our country the 16th largest economy in the world.

We accomplished all of this with your and the private sector’s faith, ability and effort. Both we and our country prospered. We are the best example of what an organized entrepreneurial force can contribute to a country in the world. Who do we have to thank for this success? Our Chambers and our Exchanges; you who are here with us in this hall.

Worthy friends,
I would like to share with you some of our activities which you will find the details of in our activity report. One of the most perplexing issues was the matter of vocational training. Our companies were in search of personnel; our people, in search of jobs.
For the first time in the history of country, the private sector, through our Chambers and Exchanges, had a say in regards to vocational training. With the UMEM Ability’10 Project we commenced with our Ministers, we became a beacon of hope and employment in 81 provinces to the unemployed.
We have become the professional organization which provides the most support for the exports of our companies. Let us be proud of this fact, Turkey’s exports happen with TOBB’s assurance. The Customs and Commerce Ministry’s authorized incumbent implementation will greatly speed up exports and lower costs.
On the other hand, we’ve taken on a risk of 35 billion USD to facilitate international transportation. We are the highest issuer of TIR carnets in the world. We have modernized the customs gates with the vision of Minister Hayati Yazıcı and your adoption of this implementation. We have completed the modernization of İpsala, Kapıkule, Hamzabeyli, Sarp, Habur and Cilvegözü.
Thus, we have lowered logistical costs by 450 million TL in just 1 year. This amount used to be gone from our wallets yearly for no reason. Together, we’ve prevented this. This project was shown as an example to the whole world by the United Nations for its success. We are modernizing the customs gates in the East one by one as pioneered by the Ministry. We are working to modernize the Çıldır-Aktaş, Dilucu, Kapıköy and Esendere customs Gates.
We are taking great steps forward for İstanbul. İstanbul Halkalı Customs Gate is Turkey’s biggest land customs gate with an annual volume of 40 billion USD. However, it is located right in the bustle of the city. It is a source of much nuisance for our industrialists, traders and transporters and also a source of consternation for the residents of İstanbul.
Our Minister has also supported us in this matter. We will move and modernize Halkalı Customs. We will build the Logistics Center İstanbul needs. With the newly implemented Great Anatolia Logistics Project, we have begun an important endeavor to connect Anatolia to Europe via railroad.
Our Credit Guarantee Fund and SME Venture Capital companies have facilitated the attainment of financial resources for SMEs. Business Development Centers located in 19 cities are providing consultation services to SMEs in Anatolia.
One of the thirty largest derivate markets in the world, the Derivatives Exchange, of which we are the founder, has merged with Borsa İstanbul. TOBB ETU, founded by our community, has become one of the most preferred and brand-quality universities.
Once, everyone had problems getting at the trade registry gazette. We have moved it completely online. It is sufficient to log on to TOBB’s website in order to access any company’s trade registration records.
There were problems stemming from the Trade Law and the Debt Law. In light of your suggestions and through your efforts, lead by the Minister and the labor of his colleagues, these laws have been reworked. This way, the real sector has been saved from an additional burden of six billion TL per year.
You will remember that companies’ activity codes were in complete chaos. No institution in Turkey could know which activities were undertaken by how many companies. There were different activity classifications in all individual institutions. Thus, no trade and industry inventory could be listed. We brought an end to this chaos.
We have implemented the NACE system. We knew there would be objections but we were determined. There can be no progress without risk. The Minister’s determined stance gave us courage. We have established a new and healthier order. We will reap its benefits together in the future.
Another important request made by you was the continuation of the expired investment incentive system #5084. We worked diligently in this regard. We are hopefully going to be receiving good news to this end soon. We thank the Minister for the sensitivity with which he has approached this matter.
Another increasingly problematic issue was in regards to the payment of checks and bonds. The check and credit records of companies have been opened up to the real sector. With just one button, you will be able to see the record of the person you are dealing with. You will make better decisions and better see the risks you are taking. Our members will see the same information banks see of their customers. Our traders and industrials will no longer be shooting in the dark.

Dear friends,
Those with opinions but no knowledge ask us what Chambers-Exchanges do. Chambers and Exchanges solve the problems of their members. But is this enough? Never. Because we, who produce, provide employment, export and invest, deserve better.
We can no longer be bound by ancient mental chains. The best and the most beautiful of everything will be in this country. We used to look with envy upon other countries. Now we have become a country which is envied. Our Chambers and Exchanges have become an example to the whole region. You have made the difference. We have never relinquished our values while achieving our goal. We have never turned our backs on our culture. In light of those values, we have acted in the most contemporary manner.
Akhi Evran says ‘Be righteous, be patient, be resilient’. We have been righteous and we have been patient. Taking strength from these values, we have become as resilient as mountains. In the past, Akhism commenced the organization in the Turkish business world and shown this community the correct path and guided it.
Thanks to this tradition which has been an example to the whole world, our Chamber and Exchange structure is being shown as an example to the countries in our region by the OECD. Do you know what they say abroad? If you want the private sector in your country to develop; if you want capital to be spread at the base; if you want the society to become more democratic, there’s your example: establish a Chamber and Exchange structure similar to the one in Turkey.
We’re not the ones saying these, it’s the world. The President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev has invited us to benefit from our experiences. Islamic countries want us to train them so they may emulate how we succeeded.
In the past, all of our activities remained within our borders. Nobody noticed us when we went abroad. Today, we have say in all business organizations of global markets. We have become a community which defends the rights of our private sector throughout the world.
We have been elected to both the Eurochambres and the Islamic Chamber of Commerce and Industry as Vice President. We have received an invitation to join the International Chamber of Commerce. We have been suggested as the president for the Jerusalem Arbitration Center which aims to provide solutions to disputes between Palestinian and Israeli businessmen.
We’ve been chosen for this compliment, not somebody else. Turkey has been chosen. We have proudly taken on this duty which we believe will contribute to the peace process. Do you know why we take on these duties? Because you know the value of peace very well. You will not sit idly in the face of injustice. You hold justice above all.

Precious friends,
There has been a matter which has been the attention of much debate in the media. I would like to talk to you about this so you will know the truth of it. As you know, we have joined the Wise People committee on the invitation of our Prime Minister. He made it very clear to us and said, ‘Learn what the citizens are thinking. Learn about their anxieties and expectations. Compile these into a report and send them to state institutions.’ This means we don’t go there to sweet talk anyone; we go to keep the people’s pulse.
I’ll say it clearly: There is no possibility of us shying away from such a duty. We have always said as much: There can be no trade without peace. There can be no prosperity without trade. Our stance is clear: We are servants of this country in regards to the unity and solidarity of our homeland and nation.
To this end, we will not shirk from the duty which has been entrusted unto us by the state. Ethics demand it. Our community cannot afford to stay outside it. We have always stood at the forefront in every matter which concerns our country. In every national matter, this community has contributed.
This is reputation. This is power. This reputation and power show how far you’ve brought this community. You are no longer people who are addressed in regards to the matters of the private sector but also for all of Turkey. I sincerely thank all of you! Your services will never be forgotten by this community! Turkey will not forget! May the blessings of Allah be upon you all.

Dear colleagues,
Whatever we have done, whatever we have achieved, has been with the power and support you have given us. We’ve worked together and succeeded together. The rock will not move without working together. All of our successes are the result of teamwork.
All together, we have increase the service capacity of Chambers, Exchanges and TOBB. We have turned them into centers which provide services for the real sector. Chambers and Exchanges have actualized many firsts in the past term. You have established laboratories in the fields of tea, olive oil, flour and wheat, aflatoxin and pesticides.
The most modern electronics showroom, electronic goods bond platform, has been serving the real sector thanks to you. You have established modern laboratories in commerce exchanges of 73 cities. Thanks to our Chambers taking responsibility, our Organized Industry Zones have developed and spread industry to Anatolia. There were only 12 OIZs in Turkey in 1980. Today, approximately 150 OIZs are brimming with investors thanks to you.
We have made permanent contributions in the field of educational investments. Our Chambers and Exchanges have invested in schools in their provinces and continue to do so. We didn’t have any personnel who spoke foreign languages; we’ve come to sign international projects.
We are attaining resources from abroad and working together with European Chambers. Every year, more and more Chambers and Exchanges are becoming accredited. 131 of Chambers and Exchanges are accredited and are providing service on par with the best in Europe; the quality of their services has been documented. You are already a part of the European Union with the quality of service you provide.
Who accomplished all of this? You did. How did you do it? With the modern vision you put forth at our Chambers and Exchanges. I congratulate you all. You couldn’t be too proud in this regard. You didn’t idly complain; you assessed the problem, took initiative, provided solutions and acted as an active and constructive institution.
This way, my Chamber and Exchange Presidents became the opinion leaders of their cities. They dedicated their every waking hour to developing and growing the community. I heartily congratulate my Chamber and Exchange Presidents, their Boards, Council and Profession Committees; all of you who are in this hall.
You recognized the fact that the offices bestowed upon you were tools of service and worked with this in mind. You always remembered that there is a reckoning. This is the service understanding of our community. I would like to remind everyone at this opportunity that Chamber and Exchange Presidents and Council Members do not receive salaries for their work. They do this for charity. They spend their time and labor not for themselves, but to solve the problems of their cities and their members.
This is why all of my Chamber and Exchange Presidents and Council Members are able to provide fully competent service. I am proud of you. You should be proud of yourselves and of being a member of this community. Retell the honor and joy of this story of service in your provinces. Remember, if you don’t fully tell it yourself, others will do it in a manner to leave the matter wanting.

Precious friends,
You know that elections are ahead of us. Of course, there will always be competition in every election process. But let us not forget, Chamber and Exchange elections are not scrambles for office, they are relay races in serving our community and country.
Offices are temporary. What is fundamental is serving the real sector. It is leaving a pleasant vista under this everlasting roof. 365 Chamber and Exchange Presidents, Boards, Council Presidents and Members and Profession Committees are all extraordinary individuals.
These meritorious people have fulfilled their duties admirably. Doubtless, there will be winners and losers in the elections. There will be those who pass on their duties and those who willingly step down. They have shouldered the burden diligently in these difficult times. It was my great honor to work with them and have them as my colleagues. May Allah bless them all.
Those who will be picking up the banner of service will labor to do better. May Allah help them. I have but one request to make to you. Let us view the elections as only a passing on of the banner, of reseeding. Our friends who will be new to office should benefit from the experiences of their predecessors. They should reflect the unity and solidarity and the sense of community to be found under this great umbrella. Let us all be proud of being a member of this great family.
If we wish to be richer than we are today tomorrow, we will work harder, produce more and provide more employment, invest and export more. We believe in ourselves! This nation trusts us. This great community you’ve created is the surety of a strong economy and a strong Turkish Republic. Today, just as before, we will keep striving for new horizons and a great Turkey.
I would argue that Turkey will attain the place it deserves. It will be one of the ten largest economies of the world. We will succeed in this together. May our fraternity, unity and vitality be everlasting. May our way and fortune be open. May Allah be our companion and helper.”

- Customs and Commerce Minister Hayati Yazıcı

Customs and Commerce Minister Hayati Yazıcı stated in his speech that the solution process is Turkey’s greatest project. Bakan Yazıcı stated that, this project will result in a Turkey cleared of terrorism with stronger bonds of brotherhood and that Turkey will make a great leap in economic and social terms.

Stating that the trade community will know this best, Yazıcı said, “Because commercial growth and economic growth’s greatest dynamics depend on trust and stability.”

Stating that the government always views traders and industrialists as the greatest force behind the economy, Yazıcı said, “You are people who endeavor to bring food to not only your own table but those of thousands of people.”

Minister Yazıcı said that he always urges bureaucrats and public servants to work together with chambers and exchanges and stated that his personnel are also of this mindset.

Emphasizing that, with the environment of trust and stability of the last 11 years, they have achieved great success in regards to the economy, Yazıcı and stated that the greatest share of the transformation in Turkey’s economy has taken place thanks to the private sector.

Stating that as long as this environment of trust and stability are maintained, there are no obstacles which cannot be conquered, Yazıcı went on, “We have great goals for the 100th anniversary of our Republic. We will achieve these goals together. As the government, our duty is to open the way for you, to remove obstacles in your way. We are conducting our work to this end. We are working as the Ministry to increase the competitive power of our private sector.”

Stating that authorized incumbents, on location customs, permitted senders and the shared transit system are four of the Ministry’s projects to this end, Yazıcı said that the competitive power of businessmen will increase with these projects and said that they are working to make Turkey into the country in which trade is conducted the easiest and the safest.

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