We must protect consumers’ rights while increasing manufacturers’ competitiveness


11.04.2018 İstanbul

TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, speaking at the International Consumer Protection and Enforcement Network (ICPEN) Hıgh Level Meeting and Spring Conference, pointed out that it is necessary to protect consumers’ rights while increasing manufacturers’ competitiveness and that, the true power driving the economy is consumer choice.

Ministry of Customs and Commerce, Consumer Protection and Market Monitoring Directorate is chairing ICPEN during the 2017-2018 on behalf of Turkey. The ICPEN High Level Meeting Spring Conference has started in İstanbul. Speaking at the opening of the event, TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu pointed that they are all consumers in addition to being producers.

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that the real sector is aware that consumption is what necessitates production, “Producers exist only thanks to consumers. If the consumer moves with confidence, knowing they will receive their money’s worth, they will buy more comfortably. This reflects positively on both the real sector and the country's economy. In fact, figures show the power of power the consumer and consumption. In most countries, 60-70% of economy is comprised of domestic consumption. Because of this, the concept of consumer democracy comes to the fore. In other words, the main power that directs the economy is the consumer's preferences. At this point, I would like to state that the most difficult task is undertaken by our Ministry. On the one hand you must protect and reinforce the market, on the other you must defend the rights of the consumers. Our Ministry is fulfilling this is difficult, but vital task. We, the real sector, are working with our Ministry. We increase the competitiveness of our producers as well as protecting consumers’ rights. I congratulate the Minister and all members of the Ministry for having successfully undertaken such an important responsibility.”

- Minister Tüfenkçi

Customs and Commerce Minister Bülent Tüfenkçi stated that the world is undergoing significant transformations.

Tüfenkçi stated that a new industrial model, “Industry 4.0”, in which information-communication technologies and machines work together, is becoming more widespread, while digital economy and its commercial practices are affecting all countries and people.

Tüfenkçi stated that Turkey puts great importance on ICPEN which seeks to provide solutions to consumer issues, increase cooperation between public administrations, as well as dialogue and solidarity. Turkey became a member in 2010, aiming to contribute to the development of this network. Tüfenkçi reported that they have been hard at work as ICPEN Term Chair and have tried to move the organization to forward and these efforts are still ongoing.

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