“We celebrate April 23rd with great pride and joy”


22.04.2018 Ankara

In his statement regarding April 23rd National Sovereignty and Children's Day, TOBB President Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that April 23rd, the birthday of the Turkish Grand National Assembly is celebrated with great pride and joy, “We will defend the national and spiritual heritage of the Veteran, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk which states that sovereignty belongs exclusively to the nation, without reservation. April 23rd is the most beautiful expression that there exists no authority above that of the will of the nation.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu's message is as follows:

“The opening of the Turkish Grand National Assembly is, not only in our nation's Independence War, one of the most important milestones in the journey of the Republic of Turkey towards modern civilization.

Today we celebrate the anniversary of this beautiful day, making it even more meaningful and understanding its value day by day.

We, as the business community, want to be able to take our country even further in the race of civilization; we will continue to work with the confidence and power granted to us by the republic with the goal of greater investment and greater employment.

I celebrate our nation’s and children’s April 23rd National Sovereignty and Children's Day with the most heartfelt feelings and sincerity.”

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