July 15th message from the EU-Turkey JCC


15.07.2018 Ankara

Representing the EU-Turkey Joint Consultative Committee Turkey wing; Hak-İş, Memur-Sen, TESK, Türk-İş, TİSK, Kamu-Sen, TOBB and TZOB issued a joint declaration on the anniversary of the July 15th coup attempt. Stating that the true master of sovereignty is not tutelary mentality but the nation itself, representatives of professional and civil society reiterated that, “No power can rule the Republic of Turkey other than the will of the nation.”

Joint statement of the Turkey - EU Joint Consultative Committee Turkey Wing is as follows:

Distinguished Press Members,

As the professional and civil society of Turkey; EU-Turkey Joint Consultative Committee Turkey Wing (in alphabetical order);

· HAK - Confederation of Trade Unions (HAK-İŞ),

· Confederation of Public Servants Trade Unions (MEMUR-SEN),

· Turkey Tradesmen and Artisans Confederation (TESK)

· Confederation of Labor Unions of Turkey (TURK-IS)

· Confederation of Employers' Unions of Turkey (TISK)

· Public Workers Unions Confederation of Turkey (Turkey Kamu-Sen)

· Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB)

· Turkey Union of Chambers of Agriculture (TZOB),

On July 15th, Democracy and National Unity Day, we want to remember and recall the past.

In the history of states and nations, there are critical turning points that guide their future.

July 15th is such a date, a milestone, for the Turkish nation and the Republic of Turkey.

That night the destiny of the nation was determined; the sense of self of the nation was renewed, the nation stood united.

Nothing will be like before July 15th.

Our nation, which suffered the oppression and shame of coups in the past, declared that it would never again allow such abuse to be inflicted upon it and that sovereignty is not subject to tutelary mentality but only the will of the nation.

We have not forgotten July 15th, we will never forget it.

This underhanded attack was beyond a coup; it was an invasion attempt.

It was the greatest danger our country has faced since the days of the Independence War.

That night, the Fetullahist terrorist organization, which was also a pawn of foreign powers, tried to seize the state and take over the nation.

Praise Allah, our nation, with courage and sagacity, put a stop to this great calamity.

Standing firm against this attack targeting our democracy and freedom, the nation defended its values ​​at the cost of life.

Mehmet Akif wrote; ‘If hell were to come, we would extinguish upon our chest; this way is the true way, we know nothing of retreat, we push on.’

In that long and dark night, our brothers who took only our glorious crescent-star flag in their hands, went out into the streets.

They stood firm before guns, tanks and jets with the understanding that ‘Love of the homeland is faith.’

They displayed the unique spirit seen in Çanakkale during the War of Independence.

We bow in respect before our heroic nation who prevented the coup attempt.

We present our gratitude to each of our citizens who challenged the junta that night in the streets, the squares for the homeland, the flag, faith, freedom and the future.

Praise Allah, who made us the sons and daughters of such a nation.

All of the organizations here, from the very first moment, stood by our state and our nation.

Our President, the veteran Parliament, the Prime Minister, our political parties, our nation, our non-governmental organizations and our media wrote an epic story of success with their resolute stance.

We defended our country from the pawns of our foes; we did not allow the treacherous passage; we put a stop to betrayals.

We showed everybody that our democracy is strong enough not to surrender.

We stood up against the coup and declared: ‘No power can rule the Republic of Turkey other than the will of the nation.’

Of course we paid a big price for it.

We pray for the grace of Allah upon our martyrs who fought against the treacherous coup attempt, present our gratitude to our veterans, salute each and every one with gratitude and respect.

On the other hand, we call upon our foreign correspondents and politicians.

Whatever the source, coups and terrorism are crimes against humanity.

We expect to be supported by friends and allied states, fighting against all the terrorist organizations, in particular, FETO.

We invite you not to listen to the defamatory campaigns, but to listen to the facts and act accordingly.

We reiterate: As Turkey's civil society, we will never forget July 15, we will not let it be forgotten.

Because as we remember this great struggle, our faith in the future is increasing.

We are always on our nation’s side; we will continue to defend our democracy.

As we opposed the treacherous coup attempt which brought FETO’s dirty façade to light that night, we have supported our government from that day to today.

We will work with greater determination for our nation and our country; we will carry Turkey its great goals.

We salute you all with respect.”

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