Hisarcıklıoğlu visited Minister Pekcan along with Women Entrepreneurs


16.07.2018 Ankara

TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, along with Members of TOBB Women Entrepreneurs Board and TOBB Provincial Women Entrepreneurs Committee Provincial Presidents paid a congratulatory visit to Minister of Commerce Ruhsar Pekcan. Before starting his speech, Hisarcıklıoğlu received a standing ovation from Minister Pekcan for initiating the vision of women entrepreneurship and spreading it to 81 provinces.

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) President Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that women, half of Turkey, have been wasted women by being kept out of the game, “The economy will know a woman's touch. Women will contribute even more to Turkey’s adventure towards prosperity.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu said that he believes the Presidential cabinet will strengthen confidence and stability in the country, ensuring that 2023 targets are attained. Hisarcıklıoğlu said that the new cabinet is particularly important to them as it has a member of the TOBB community.

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that, “The Ministry of Customs and Trade and the Ministry of Economy had been under heavy workload as two different ministries before and the two ministries have been combined under the Ministry of Commerce as is right and proper. The President saw it fit to trust in Ruhsar Pekcan to take on the work of two ministries combined into one. The assurance that a woman can combine and manage two ministries is Ms. Pekcan.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that entrepreneurship has become the biggest “weapon” of the world's giants and that the 20 richest countries of the world are also the most entrepreneurial 20 countries.

Hisarcıklıoğlu underlined that entrepreneurship has become a main element among the countries, “We have been wasting half of our power by keeping our women out of the game. Birds do not fly with one wing; you need two wings to fly. We have told this all over Anatolia.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu pointed out that now there is a woman at the helm of the economy, and said, “The economy will know a woman's touch. Women will contribute even more to Turkey’s adventure towards prosperity.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that they established TOBB Women Entrepreneurs together with Minister Pekcan and worked together for a long time and that when the Women Entrepreneurs Board was established 4.5% of the entrepreneurs in Turkey were women; today this figure has reached 10%.

Hisarcıklıoğlu, reporting that TOBB has the most widespread and dynamic network of female entrepreneurs in the country with 6,405 active members, speaking of Pekcan's work in Turkey and abroad to increase this number.

- Minister of Commerce, Ruhsar Pekcan

Minister of Trade, Ruhsar Pekcan said, “I promise, as Ruhsar Pekcan, that I will find finance for your projects through international funds besides the Ministry. So long as you come up with projects that are creative, sustainable, constructive, feasible and which create jobs.”

Pekcan, who has applauded the women entrepreneurs in the hall, said, “Welcome to your house, my comrades of women entrepreneurs of courageous hearts from 81 provinces. We will be open to your suggestions and problem, but you will not only bring your problems here, you will bring proposals for solving them too.”

Noting that not only the entrepreneurial women but also the women in the business are represented at a lower rate than the men, Pekcan underlined that the presence and power of women should be increased in managerial and decision-making positions in order to increase the welfare of the ı.

Pekcan stated that she wanted to share first with women entrepreneurs what could be done in the future:

“Let’s form business councils of role models of women entrepreneurs, young entrepreneurs, members of the ministry, universities and the business world. This should not be about men or women but about success stories. This should not be a status quo organization with the same three people meeting once a month. Every month should see different participants Let this be a motivation and a center to run projects.”

- TOBB Women Entrepreneurs Board Deputy President Nurten Ceceli Alkan

TOBB Women Entrepreneurs Board Deputy President Nurten Ceceli Alkan also stated that they are very excited and happy and today is a day of pride for them.

Alkan emphasized they are immensely happy that their friend, who they’ve been walking along the same path for a long time in order to increase the share of women in the economy, has become minister, “We are grateful to the President who was appointed Ms. Pekcan as Minister who we believe will fulfill this duty best. We see this as a great gain for our country. We are of the opinion that her successes so far are an indication of future success. We believe that all women and girls will be very proud of the success stories of the Minister and that there will be a great difference in their vision for the future. And now our women who work for the country in all corners of Anatolia now have another light in their hearts. Our daughters can say ‘Maybe I will be a minister.’

Following the meeting, Hisarcıklıoğlu presented gifts to the Minister Pekcan and Alkan.

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